Posted: September 13th, 2017

fundraising management

fundraising management

Order Description

• Identify a Charity, which raises its funds through voluntary donations and directly spends such on charitable works (eg Not a Grants making Trust). It must be registered with the England and Wales Charity Commission and have an income of over £1 million p.a.
• Identify its fundraising mix (the different sources of income) and, using academic and charity and sector reports, critically analyse its choice of fundraising.
• Make recommendations to the charity on how it might improve its fundraising mix.

• 2000 words Max

• Mark Allocation:

20%: Presentation; Use of English; Grammar; Introduction, Conclusion, Referencing.
30%: Selection and review of relevant source material.
30%: Discussion of the issues and application and use of material
20%: Recommendations (Final and separate section of your essay)

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