Posted: May 20th, 2015

“G.I. Joe’s Biceps”

“G.I. Joe’s Biceps”

Write a 500-word argument essay that is MLA formatted using “G.I. Joe’s Biceps” and one peer-reviewed article (worth 5 points). In your essay, argue how children’s body image can be affected by images. These images can include toys, pictures, video games, and/or shows/movies. Submit an electronic copy only to

i want with work cited peer – reviewed

review By at least 3 expets in the field
– the sources are peer – reviewed.
– published in a scholarly journal .
– use the Houston Community College (HCC) , – librasies – search and find – Dataes
and only use the articul from Acadiemic search complete or JSTOR or Project Muse .

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