Posted: September 16th, 2017



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Opening Exercise: Dream Date or Dud Date
Carmen D. Cross
HRD 385 Methods and Strategies for Instructional Programs
Indiana State University
February 10, 2013

Dream Date or Dud Date
I.     Purpose
1.    To introduce terms and concepts that will be discussed in a Health Sciences/ Medical Terminology class unit on Human Reproduction and Relationships.
2.    To stimulate students to think about consequences of dating and personal attributes that may not be clear when first meeting a potential date.
3.    To provide a fun activity, with relevant information; this encourages conversation among team members.

II.     Ideal class size
1.    This activity would be best used in a class size of 12 to 30, with students divided up randomly into groups of 3 or 4.

III.    Required materials
1.    One ‘game board’ for each student (laminated, if desired, for re-use with other classes).
2.    One set of game pieces for each group (laminated, if desired, for re-use).
a.    “Game pieces” are words/ phrases of various human attributes which have been printed on 8.5 x 11 colored paper, then cut apart into separate words/ phrases.

Make each set in different colors, so as not to mix or duplicate per group.

IV.    Time needed
1.    10-20 minutes, depending on conversation amongst groups members and time available.

V.    Room setup
1.    Each group is at a round or rectangular table, with seating on each side so all can reach game pieces.

VI.    Steps
1.    Divide class randomly into groups of 3 or 4.
a.    I generally ask each student to write their name on a ticket, then draw tickets to create random groups.  A quicker way is to count off into groups.
2.    Explain a scenario- for example- that they have been invited to a party and will meet many people but one will end up being their ‘date’.  This could become a

long term relationship.
3.    Give each group member a ‘Dream Date or Dud Date’ game board.
4.    Give each group a set of ‘game pieces.  Ask the group to lay out the game pieces, printed side down, so they cannot see what each piece says.
5.    Each group chooses someone to start, and each person will take turns drawing out  random game pieces.
6.    As each piece is drawn, the player needs to decide how  the attribute listed on the game piece fits into their preconceived thoughts of a ‘dream date or dud

date’.    The choices on the game boards are:
a.    “Just what I wanted!”
b.    “OK, I can handle it…”
c.    “Are you kidding?  Not what I was looking for.”
7.    The player then places that game piece on their game board, under the desired heading.
8.    If a player draws ‘Trade a card’, he or she can trade off a game piece they don’t like with a desired one off of another player’s board.
9.    Play continues until all game pieces have been drawn and placed unto the game boards.
10.    Explain/ define terms throughout game play if a student doesn’t know what the attribute he or she drew means.

VI.     Debriefing/ summary
1.    Some members may be commenting about what a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ date they got ; otherwise, ask who got a dream date, who got a dud date.
2.    Encourage a few members to share with the class what attributes they randomly drew.
3.    Facilitate conversation/ discussion about people’s values, attributes, attitudes and physical attributes.
a.    All people have positive and negative attributes.
b.    Some attributes are obvious when we meet people.
i.    Examples: hair color, eye color, skin color, etc.
c.    Some attributes are hidden and may show up within minutes, days, months or longer
i. Examples: cusses a lot, quick temper, trustworthy, sexually transmitted diseases, neat freak, slob, etc.
4.    Ask group why they think we did this activity.
a.    Answers will vary; some may equate it to judging people
b.    For purposes of this topic in my class, I then explain how some traits come to humans at the moment of conception, whereas others are more environmentally

c.    Explain that with each consecutive date, we can uncover more information about an individual – good or bad—which we may not have been in tune to when we first

met.  Explain that each game piece could have been a new attribute discovered on each consecutive date.
5.    Offer positive reinforcement for playing, discovering, sharing thoughts.

VII.    Variations
1.    The idea of the game and game play could be used as review, for varied lesson content, and instead of game pieces being subjective items/ phrases, they could

be objective.
a.    For example:  Game pieces could be medical terms of various body organs, with the game board having three sections entitled in three different body systems (

example: musculoskeletal, respiratory, urinary)

Opening Exercise: Who Wants a New Car?
Clarissa Jones
Indiana State University

Who Wants a New Car?
The purpose of this exercise is to provide an initial example on how people deal with and resolve conflict. It should provide an introduction for a training

module on conflict resolution.
Class/Group Size
The class should be divided into groups of four or five, depending on the number of cars available (in each group there should be a shortage of cars).
Required Materials
Enough Hot Wheels to supply two thirds of the class with cars (If 30 participants are attending, bring 20 Hot Wheels). These cars should also have variety (For

example, every group should have an SUV, a Sedan, and a Sports car; not every group has to be the same)
Name Tags
About 15-20 minutes
Room Set-up
Enough space for students to form groups (preferably with everyone sitting)
1. The facilitator should form the class into groups. Groups should be 4-5 people. At least three groups should exist. If there are not enough people to form three

groups, do the activity as one group.
2. Ask the participants if they would all like a new car. Tell them that you have some new cars outside and would like to give them to people in the class. However,

there are not enough cars for everyone in the class to have one. Each group with receive X amount of cars and must decide who in the group will receive the new cars.

The Hot Wheels cars represent the cars that are outside and are the same make and model as the cars outside.
3. Give the participants time to talk about which group members will get which cars. Once all groups make a decision, bring everyone together. Note: The facilitator

may observe and take notes when they see the following conflict resolution styles being used in case the audience has a difficult time participating in the following

4. Debriefing:  Discuss ways in which groups and individuals discussed the decision making process and dealt with conflict and point out when examples of the following

behaviors occur:
•    “Competitive: People who tend towards a competitive style take a firm stand and know what they want. They usually operate from a position of power, drawn from

things like position, rank, expertise, or persuasive ability. This style can be useful when there is an emergency and a decision needs to be make fast; when the

decision is unpopular; or when defending against someone who is trying to exploit the situation selfishly. However it can leave people feeling bruised, unsatisfied and

resentful when used in less urgent situations.
•    Collaborative: People tending towards a collaborative style try to meet the needs of all people involved. These people can be highly assertive but unlike the

competitor, they cooperate effectively and acknowledge that everyone is important. This style is useful when you need to bring together a variety of viewpoints to get

the best solution; when there have been previous conflicts in the group; or when the situation is too important for a simple trade-off.
•    Compromising: People who prefer a compromising style try to find a solution that will at least partially satisfy everyone. Everyone is expected to give up

something, and the compromiser him- or herself also expects to relinquish something. Compromise is useful when the cost of conflict is higher than the cost of losing

ground, when equal strength opponents are at a standstill and when there is a deadline looming.
•    Accommodating: This style indicates a willingness to meet the needs of others at the expense of the person’s own needs. The accommodator often knows when to

give in to others, but can be persuaded to surrender a position even when it is not warranted. This person is not assertive but is highly cooperative. Accommodation is

appropriate when the issues matter more to the other party, when peace is more valuable than winning, or when you want to be in a position to collect on this “favor”

you gave. However people may not return favors, and overall this approach is unlikely to give the best outcomes.
•    Avoiding: People tending towards this style seek to evade the conflict entirely. This style is typified by delegating controversial decisions, accepting

default decisions, and not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. It can be appropriate when victory is impossible, when the controversy is trivial, or when someone else

is in a better position to solve the problem. However in many situations this is a weak and ineffective approach to take.”
5. As you go through the explanations, allow each group to determine which people in the group used which conflict resolution techniques.
6. Close by explaining that even though each person used the technique listed on their name tag, that doesn’t always have to hold true. People may change techniques

according to situation or use a combination of techniques. Also, make sure they know how important their differences are. If everyone approached conflicts the same,

conflict resolution would be much more difficult.
If Hot Wheels are unavailable (either the facilitator does not have access to them or cannot buy them), the facilitator can print off pictures of them and give

each group a picture of each car that’s available to the group.


• Groups •
Pick two random words per group
• 10 minutes to prepare idea/pitch
• One minute pitch per group
Pitch should include: What do you do/serve/produce? Located where? Target Market
•    To introduce the attendees and allow them time to discover each other’s talents/professions
•    Have fun with ideas and brainstorming without competition
Ideal Size
•    Most fun with 3 persons to a group and four groups.  This allows more of a variety in words to choose and pitches.
Required Materials
•    Post its’ and 1 sheet of paper per group
Time needed
•    A few minutes to introduce the activity and choose groups/words
•    10 minutes to brainstorm
•    1 minute per group to pitch idea
•    Description of scenario Half Baked can be used in and directions.
•    Assign Groups.
•    Each group picks two words written on post it notes that are hanging up.
•    Bring words to a group of 3 or more and pick a name for a startup (new) business using only those two words.
•    Brainstorm the specifics of the business, what do you do/serve/produce?  Located where? And target market?
•    At the end of 10 minutes, each group will have one minute to pitch their Half Baked Business Idea.
Half Baked can be used before presentations regarding business startups, entrepreneurship and groups of entrepreneurs’ who are meeting to pitch ideas to

potential investors.  This activity is non-competitive and is usually very goofy.  As attendees in each group struggle to make up a product or a new business, where

the business/headquarters are located and their target market out of two randomly selected words, Half Baked creates a laid back atmosphere for attendees to playfully

share ideas.  Half Baked will encourage everyone to be more open to other ideas, share their experiences and expertise so that they may benefit from one another and

help each other perfect their actual business plans, marketing plans, web design, engineering etc… This icebreaker encourages those who are attending with only their

products and new ideas in mind to reach out and help others making the event less competitive and more helpful.

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