Posted: July 14th, 2015

Gaming Regulation

Gaming Regulation

You need to write at least 100 words on each example with explanation.
Q1. You need to provide 50 examples and explain each of them in plain English of violations of "Regulation 5" with cites to the respective regulations.

You need to write at least 100 words on each scenario.
Q2. Answer the question in detail with appropriate case citations and NRS statutory references.
Scenario 1. A non-restricted casino has a marker for a casino debt from a patron that lives in Virginia for $11,000. It brings an action in Virginia against that patron. What is the likely outcome and why? (Hint- correctly answering why is more important than the outcome)
Scenario 2. A non-restricted casino has a marker for a casino debt from a patron that lives in Virginia for $11,000. It brings an action in Nevada and attempts to enforce the Nevada judgment against that patron. What is the likely outcome and why?
Scenario 3. A restricted bar has a marker for a slot machine debt from a patron that lives in Nevada. It brings an action in Nevada against that patron. What is the likely outcome and why?
Scenario 4. A non-restricted casino has a marker for a casino debt from a patron that lives in Nevada for $11,000. Someone stole the original marker out of the cage. It sues the patron on the outstanding debt even though it does not have the original marker. What is the likely outcome and why?
Scenario 5. A non-restricted casino allowed a player to bet on the rim, i.e. to make bets on credit without having signed a marker. It sues the patron on outstanding debt even though it does not have the original marker. What is the likely outcome and why?

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