Posted: April 16th, 2015

Gender Based Quotas in the Boardroom

This paper has 2 parts: The first part should critically discuss and explore in depth where gender based quotas, the legalities surrounding it, where and how they were first introduced and why, what countries have introduced gender based quotas in the boardroom most recently and their effectiveness thus far. This paper should review evidence on the equity and efficiency impacts of gender based quotas for corporate board membership.( Use examples: Discuss allocation of political quotas in India and the unanticipated introduction of board quotas in Norway-review evidence from these settings. Answer the question: Is the need for gender based quotas driven by negative perceptions of female management style or other cultural implications? Part two: The second part should argue in favor of Introducing gender based quotas in the United States. Discuss critically why and how they can be effective for female leadership and ways the United States could introduce these gender based quotas in the corporate boardroom. This paper should be at a graduate level, it should be comprehensive, clear and concise. Please use correct in text citations and footnotes. This paper should be a complete 9 pages not including cover page or works cited page. **I have uploaded two articles they need to be somehow worked into this paper for a argument**

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