Posted: January 13th, 2015

Gender Issues: Sexism and Homophobia

Gender Issues: Sexism and Homophobia

Order Description

Gender Issues: Sexism and Homophobia
This week’s assignments explore gender issues, sexism, and homophobia. The weekly readings and discussions explore the ways in which the aforementioned issues

contribute to and sustain social inequality, and are harmful to peoples? mental health. Issues such as cultural gender role expectations and the impact of sexism and

homophobia on mental health are addressed.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this week you will be able to:
? Describe the differences between sex and gender and explain their social and social psychological significance.
? Discuss the types of discrimination that women, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals experience
? Identify how psychologists can address and begin to resolve issues associated with homophobia and sexism

The terms sex and gender are often used interchangeably. However, they have specific and discrete meaning. Visit the following websites to understand the difference

between these terms, and learn about other gender related concepts.
? Gender Glossary: World Health Organization (WHO)
? The Difference Between Sex & Gender (WHO)
The articles for this week address issues associated with sexism and homophobia.
Glick et al. (2004)’s research addresses the issue of gender attitudes and stereotypes and how they serve to support gender inequality.
Lips (2003) addresses the gender-pay gap, notes that significant decreases in this gap have not yet been achieved, and states that psychologists have a responsibility

to address this issue due to our unique skill and knowledge base.
Meyer (2003) reviews research that addresses the elevated risk for mental health problems associated with being a gay man, lesbian, or bisexual. Meyer provides a model

to explain this elevated risk, and states that the risk is associated with minority stress stigma, prejudice, and discrimination. Meyer states that this discrimination

creates significant stress that leads to mental health struggles. Meyer describes public policy issues and social change as related to the aforementioned theory.
Stewart et al. (2004) state that in order for optimal women’s mental health to be achieved, there needs to be an emphasis on social, economic, and cultural issues, not

just on the direct services that are provided to women. They state that in order for women to achieve an optimal level of mental health, negative societal attitudes

towards women must be changed.

Consider how research and/or practice that is focused on gender issues might be effectively and creatively employed as tools of social change in the service of

reducing sexism or homophobia.

Write at least one concrete action that could be taken with to further the change you are considering. Describe any ethical implications related to the action you



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