Posted: September 13th, 2017

general study about how to choose major course

This paper is to be 1-2 pages in length, typed (double-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins), and written in paragraph form. Be sure to include your full name on the paper.

Below are the components to be included in this paper. Each question must be answered.

a) What did you learn from Cher Yazvac, Associate Director of the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO), during her presentation on January 14?

b) Describe your reactions to all of the majors presented between January 26 and March 9? Which major(s) do you feel would be a good fit for you and why? Which major(s) would not be a good fit for you and why not?

c) Do you see yourself taking Entrepreneurship courses while you are at Purdue? Why or why not? Will you pursue completing the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation? Why or why not?

d) Do you see yourself participating in Study Abroad while you are at Purdue? Why or why not?

e) Do you see yourself participating in EPICS while you are at Purdue? Why or why not?

f) Which College of Technology department sessions did you attend on March 4 and March 9? Why did you choose to attend these particular sessions instead of the other department sessions that were offered? What did you learn at the sessions you attended?

g) Describe any resources you have utilized to help you with the major exploration process. What have you learned by using these resources?

firstly, I provide each web page link below the question. It is very helpful to answer the question.

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