Posted: September 17th, 2017

genetic evidence of historical hybridisation events between human species

The title is: Is there genetic evidence of historical hybridisation events between human species that have reduced susceptibility to infectious disease in modern populations?

There is a considerable amount of information out there on this topic and should be good for a short review.

#### Literature review guideline LS5003/4/5/6 Literature Review Reassessment

The title of the literature review represents the working title of your final year project next year, and this exercise is designed to help you become informed about the subject of your final year project, as well as to gain experience of concise, scientific writing.
You are required to investigate your allocated topic by reading and evaluating primary research papers. So far in this module, you have been guided on:
scientific referencing,
writing scientific essays,
how to critically review a scientific research paper,
basic statistics,
different types of reviews
critical evaluation.

You are expected to utilise all that you have been taught in the construction of your literature review.

The Literature Review

You are required to write an evaluative literature review of 1000 words (± 10%) based on the published scientific literature on the topic assigned to you.

The literature review will be based on an introductory and/or background aspect relating to the subject of your assigned project title, as agreed with your supervisor. It is not the intention that your review will form the introduction or any other section of your final year project in exactly the form that it is submitted this year. The material from the review should provide you with some background information in preparation for your final year project, but we would expect you to consider carefully the feedback, and what you have learned, from this exercise to further develop, discuss and evaluate this and any other material that may be incorporated into your project report next year.

The intention of this literature review is to:
give you time to introduce you to, and to begin your research into, the subject of your final year project;
give you some experience of evaluating a range of primary research literature to produce a concise, well-structured and informative literature review.

Tables and figures can be used and appropriate legends/titles for these should be provided together with the reference source (if appropriate). These will not form part of the 1000 word count. A full reference list should be provided for all references cited in the text (not included in the word count).

Citation and referencing style

Guidance on how to reference is available on your StudySpace site for this module (under Topics>Resources on referencing and avoiding plagiarism >School of Life Science Referencing Guide) and on the Bioscience/Nut/Forensi Clouds.

Submission of the Review

One copy via Turnitin on the StudySpace site for this module.
One copy via email to your supervisor.

Feedback & guidance

This exercise should be conducted by you independently, using the skills and knowledge that you have developed so far on this and other modules. If you wish to see your supervisor to gain feedback and guidance on this assignment, please make an appointment to see them, but be aware that staff will be on leave for some part of the summer.

Marking Scheme
Standard of written English (e.g. grammar, punctuation and sentence structure):
Organisation and structure of information: 15%
Comprehensiveness of content: 40%
Evaluation of literature: 25%
Use of citation and listing of references: 10%

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