Posted: February 3rd, 2015


Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Chapter 10/11 Field Experience

Movie: Over the Hedge


To complete this assignment, you may have to rent or buy the video from a video store or online. YouTube may have it in several clips. Answer the following while watching the movie:


  1. A. Perception

What human stereotypes (perceptions/images) are depicted by the animals in the film (Select 2 animals and the stereotypes):








  1. Economic and Health (Agriculture) Questions


1). How does this film portray society’s consumerism (society’s need to buy stuff)?


2). What effect does the excess of possessions have on wildlife?



3). How do the animals respond to the junk food?



4). What concerns does Verne have about the new food source?



5). How does Verne try to maintain their normal lifestyle?



6). What health problems can arise from an exclusive diet of chips, pop, cookies etc?


  1. Cultural Ecology Questions

1.) The film depicts the invasion of man into the habitat of animals. How do the animals adapt to this situation?




  1. Urbanization Questions

1.) Describe how suburbanization is portrayed in the movie.

Chapter 10/11 Field Experience

Movie: Slumdog Millionaire


Set and filmed in India, the film tells the story of Jamal Malik, a young man from the Juhu slums of Mumbai who appears on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and exceeds people’s expectations, thereby arousing the suspicions of cheating; Jamal recounts in flashback how he knows the answer to each question, each one linked to a key event in his life.


For this option, you can choose to watch Slumdog Millionaire and write a critical review and assessment of its geographical significance. NOTE: This is NOT a documentary, but a fictionalized movie. Your review should explain how the film has enhanced the learning experience of course material, but it should also provide an account of your personal response. You may have to rent or buy the video from a video store or online.   Here is what I will be looking for:


  • Summary: Provide a brief summary of what the film was about. Include any biases/perspective the movie had.
  • Significance to class: How does the content fit into our discussions of geography? Not only should you be able to relate this to urban geography, but several other chapters we have discussed throughout the semester!
  • Opinion: Express your opinion about the movie. Remember, geography is all about perspective! Read online reviews of those in India who have watched the film (or if you are familiar with India, or know somebody who is ), learn their perspective. What did you learn?

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