Posted: February 11th, 2015


Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Learning outcomes of the module


  • Describe the geological processes that form soils and rocks, and critically evaluate the engineering performance of soils and rocks.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the importance of geological features on ground investigation techniques and design.




Section A


  1. The processes of the Rock Cycle have been active for millions of years producing a larger variety of rocks. Britain has a rich and varied rock formation in different parts of England, Wales and Scotland.
    Using your knowledge and understanding of the three basic types of rocks- Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, you are required to research on the following rock formations in Britain.


Investigate the geological time of formations and typical area(s)in Britain, where these rocks are found, along with an analysis of their properties which are relevant to their use in construction.


  1. Basalt
  2. Granite
  3. Sandstone
  4. Limestone



  1. The British Geological Survey (BGS) reported that there has been a five-fold increase in reported landslides in the UK last year. Investigate any two case studies on geological and man-made causes respectively for landslides and suggest mitigation measures to prevent the landslides.



  1. With the help of a case study, reflect on how the mining activities lead to contamination of ground water and critically analyse the physical, chemical and Environmental effects of mining.



  1. Draw the geological section from the given data :




  1. Describe the Engineering problems associated with the presence of karstic topography below ground. Reflect on how it could be triggered by man-made disturbances and change in drainage patterns. Suggest suitable measures to mitigate the effects.


                                                                                        Suggested word count: 2000 words


Marking grid


  • The study must be clearly structured and presented.
  • The introduction must state an aim and explicitly identify the relevant arguments and areas to be addressed.
  • These areas, once identified must be followed up logically in the main body of the study.
  • There must be a firm conclusion of the areas discussed.
  • Poor organisation and structure.
  • Limited discussion.


  • Some attention paid to the structure and organisation/coherence.
  • Evidence of discussion.
  • Good structure, presentation and coherently expressed.
  • Widely discussed.
CONTENT 35 0-13 14-24 25-35
  • The contents must clearly relate to the area of study, and the learning outcomes being tested, and demonstrate originality and creativity.
  • Knowledge and understanding must applied to practice.
  • Limited relevance to the area of study and practice.
  • Does not meet the theoretical learning outcomes.
  • Addressed the aims of the area of study with some originality and creativity.
  • Applied to practice.
  • Just meets all the theoretical learning outcomes.
  • Clearly relevant.
  • Original and creative.
  • Application and integration of knowledge to practice.
  • Clearly meets all the theoretical learning outcomes.
CLARITY OF EXPRESSION 15 0-4 5-10 11-15
  • Areas must be clearly expressed, articulate and fluent, whether written or graphical, using appropriate technical terminology.
  • Accurate spelling and grammar.
  • Accurate calculations and logic
  • Vague, over simplistic, unclear.
  • Poor spelling and grammar.
  • Poor calculations and logic
  • Communication clear.
  • Spelling and/or grammar needs some improvement.
  • Calculations and logic needs some improvement
  • Articulate and fluent.
  • Good spelling and grammar.
  • Good calculations and logic
  • There should be a clear critical analysis and synthesis of issues, which are well integrated and evaluated, as appropriate.
  • Wholly or mainly descriptive.
  • Shows some critical thinking and the beginnings of synthesis and evaluation.
  • Well integrated study with clear evidence of critical analysis/synthesis, and evaluation relevant to the area of study.
  • Limited use of academic literature/research evidence.
  • Moderate range but depth and complexity appropriate to area of study.
  • Extensive range, depth and complexity, which is appropriate to the area of study.
  • All key sources must be cited, and a consistent and accurate use of Havard referencing system must be maintained.
  • Main key sources not cited.
  • Limited or no use of an accepted referencing system.
  • Most sources cited using an accepted referencing system.
  • All key sources cited.
  • Consistent and accurate use of an accepted referencing system.


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