Posted: September 13th, 2017

geometry in art

geometry in art

Write an essay by researching and answering the questions.
Be careful to attribute material from the references, and use quote marks appropriately in your paper.
Illustrate each section appropriately, being careful to attribute the source with the illustration.

Each question has the letters of books that may be helpful. See the book list below.

The minimum writing for the paper is six pages, double-spaced, excluding (small) illustrations.

The paper must have a cover sheet with your name, date, and title.
Use either Times New Roman or Cambria font, 12 point, with 1 inch or 1.25 inch margins.

Number the pages (header or footer).

In your bibliography list all sources that you have used. NOTES:

(1) You must have at least one print reference for each section.

(2) The number of print references must be at least twice the number of electronic references. So 4 prints and 2 electronically

(3) For web pages, list URL and date accessed.

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