Posted: September 16th, 2017

Global Engineering Strategy Management

Global Engineering Strategy Management

Order Description

Coursework Description
This assignment requires research. Based on a company of your choice (as per accompanying instructions) you are required to design a manufacturing strategy for it and

apply theories.

Required layout- Manufacturing Strategy Document (an executive summary), followed by the body of the assignment text based on the Terry Hill Model.

1) Manufacturing Strategy Document – To be a 1 – 2 page statement of the final manufacturing strategy proposed for the SBU I division (summarized from The Assignment

Text below), and to include decisions, as appropriate, relating to the following issues (a list which can be extended):
a) Process choice
i) Choice of process
ii) Role of inventory
iii) Make or buy
iv) Capacity (size, timing, location)
b) Infrastructure
i) Function support
ii) Manufacturing planning and control systems
iii) Quality assurance and control
iv) Manufacturing systems engineering
v) Clerical procedures
vi) Salary I wage agreements
vii) Work structuring
viii)Organisation structure

2) The assignment text- This is the body of the report, and should include:
a) Development I completion of SBU I Division objectives and strategies which support corporate level objectives and strategies. This will require the application of

appropriate theory, including strategic concepts. (It is expected that this will represent approximately 15-25% of the assignment text) 20%
b) Based on the above, design of the manufacturing strategy, to include: 53%
i) Discussion of options for each element
ii) Evidence of application of appropriate theory
iii) Reasons as to why particular options have been selected to the exclusion of others
c) Compare your proposed manufacturing strategy with the deduced existing strategy 7%
d) Address implementation I communication issues 7%
e) Refer to relevant strategy evaluation measures 7%
f) Recognition of, and methods of ensuring that, the strategy remains current within a changing environment 6%

1. It is important to demonstrate the application of theory, the development of options, and justified selections
2. You are required to develop/complete the SBU I division objectives and strategies(strategic and financial objectives), and then
to design (not report on) its manufacturing strategy. You will get no marks for just restating the actual or presumed current strategy.
3. The number of words for each part of above structure must be based on the worth mark grade. For example, designing the manufacturing worth is 53%, and then around

2120 words of 4000 total words must be for this part and so on.


A Manufacturing Company (or an SBU within a holding company) of Your Choice

1) Constraints:
a) Currently trading
b) UK , German, USA, or Japanese manufacturing site (location of Head Office/ownership not important)
c) Site employees no more than 1000 (total Group employees may be more than this)
d) Not in the automotive sector
e) Not high volume production (i.e., not “line” or “continuous” production) such as , oil company, car company, etc…
f) Not a publically available case study or previous assignment company, or one referred to or used during the module. (You will get zero marks if you use such a


Excluding the following companies:
*** You are to reserve a company by research. Please ensure the company is not already reserved and listed below on restricted companies list. If you do not do this,

or ignore his response, you will get zero marks. (You take responsibility for the appropriateness of the choice. So before start the work, read the course work

carefully and select the company which can be used to achieve the course work tasks exactly. Send me three companies names and to be in this format (Company name-

City-Country) and I need to get approval in one company from lecturer before moving ahead. List the company on order their information and they can be excellent

choices to write this coursework and their applicability to meet the task objectives and structures)***
The following companies cannot be used:

Dr Martens AirWair International – Northampton – UK,
Finkeldei Polstermöbel GmbH – Nieheim – Germany

2) Some data sources (for company, market, customer, competitor, and product analysis- understanding of ALL of these is important):

Company Report and Accounts
Business Source Complete
Etc …

3) Assignment length: To be 4,000 words exactly, excluding references,. In text references are required, and to be in CUHarvard style with minimum 30 references books

and academic journal

4) Submission:
Submit a draft before final submission. Also the submission must contain a title page, contents page and all text which you have included, from identified sources

should be referenced. The deliverable product must meet the following criteria
Knowledge and Understanding: You consistently demonstrate an ability to absorb, reflect upon and deploy a wide range of subject-related knowledge and concepts, with

few if any lapses in accuracy and understanding. You are able to apply excellent critical judgment to new information and ideas, comparing different data and

perspectives in order to develop, substantiate and defend your own position.
Problem Solving: You regularly demonstrate the confidence to go beyond the limits of the task, identifying additional issues and suggesting ways of addressing any

Research and Reading: You clearly recognise the importance of wide and independent reading, and are developing effective research skills, which take you well beyond

the obvious or suggested sources of information. This is reflected in work, which demonstrates an impressive grasp of relevant knowledge and an original approach to

the topics and problems involved. Often this is reflected in work that goes well beyond the scope of the task.

5) Conduct Statement:
Task work to be original and no plagiarism is allowed and accepted. Plagiarism report to be submitted.

6) Reading list:
The following reading list is useful
1) Course notes
2) Hill H and Hill T, (2009) Manufacturing Operations Strategy, Palgrave Macmillan 3rd ed.
3) Cooper R J (2001), Winning at New Products, Perseus Books, 3rd ed)
4) Exploring Corporate Strategy Text and Cases by Johnson G; Scholes K, Whittington RPrentice Hall, 8th ed, 2008
5) Operations Management by Slack et al, Pitman Publishing, 3rd ed., 2001
6) Strategic Management by John L. Thompson, Chapman and Hall, 12th ed., 2001
7) Strategic Management by Bowman and Asch, MacMillan, 1987
8) Operations Strategy by Slack N, Lewis M, Prentice Hall, 2002
9) Competitive Manufacturing Management by Nicholas, McGraw-Hill, 1998
10) New Wave Manufacturing Strategies by Storey J, Paul Chapman, 1994
11) Lean Thinking by Womack JP; Jones DT, Simon & Schuster, Rawson Associates, 1996
12) Principles and Practice of Marketing by D. Jobber, McGraw Hill, 2006 5th ed
13) Organisational Behaviour by Huczynski and Buchanan, Prentice Hall, 4th ed., 2001
14) Operations Management Strategic Context and Managerial Analysis by Hill T, Palgrave, 2000
15) Japanese Manufacturing Techniques by R Schonberger, The Free Press, 1982
16) Restoring Our Competitive Edge by Hayes and Wheelwright, John Wiley, 1984
17) Manufacturing Systems by V. Bignell et al, 1985


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