Posted: March 9th, 2013

Global operations


You work for KaffeCup, Inc. which operates a global chain of coffee shops. The company operates in several countries including Germany, England, France, Belgium, Finland, Brazil, Chile, Japan, Kuwait, Morocco, Australia, India, Pakistan, United States, Canada and Mexico.
The Vice President of Talent Development was pleased with your well researched, well written report on labor.  You have been placed into the management training program.  It is well known that regional managers often spend time overseas in foreign markets.  Therefore, KaffeCup does not consider candidates for management positions unless the candidate shows an understanding of global operations.

The company has asked you to discuss what specific challenges the company faces due to its global operations.

What challenges does your business face in running a global operation?  Specifically,

what are the issues you might face because you operate coffee shops in different countries?

Give specific examples of how these challenges impact the bottom line of KaffeCup.

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