Posted: September 13th, 2017

global patterns of production

global patterns of production

This paper focus on evaluates the extent to which current global patterns of production, trade, FDI and consumption are influenced by nation-states.

? Note that this question requires you to explore how global automobile industry has been affectedby national-states
? As some of the chapters in Global Shiftare relatively broad in scope, it may be advisable to narrow the scope of the industry you are investigating; if you do so, this should be clearly explained in the introduction of your assignment.

In general, from 2-4, this is a general data analysis of this essay, but you still need to increase some aspects about how do nation-states affect current global patterns of productions, trade, FDI and consumption. Meanwhile, you need to change the structure of this essay and not only focus on the role of states theories, you need to add some more concepts. Meanwhile, you need to connect with the attachment journal.

Here’s the structure of this assignment:
1. Background of global automobile industry

2. Global shift in automobile production and trade& FDI
2.1 Production
2.2 Trades and Investment (FDI)
Compare the changing the global patterns of production, trade in different countries, using specific examples and database.

3. Changing patterns of consumption
Compare the changing the global patterns of consumption in different countries, using specific examples and database

4. National-states affect global automobile industry (How global automobile industry has been affected by national-states)
4.1 National-states Policy (such as Trade policy, FDI policy, Industry policy)
This part you need to contains a brief description of different policy effect of global automobile industry. Moreover, each policy you need to add some specific example, for instance,the 2008 crisis resulted in even bigger changes. GM contemplated selling its entire European operation, Opel, to a Canadian–Russian consortium led by the Canadian auto parts firm Magna International, but finally pulled back.
4.2 Environmental regulation (journal 344)
This part still need to contains a brief description and some examples.
4.3 Regional integration of national-states
For example:
•    Growth of regionalism and regional trade agreements (EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, APEC)
•    Types of regional integration:
?    free trade area
?    customs union
?    common market
?    economic union

4.4 Corporatestrategies in the automobile industry in different national states
You need to divide into four different states to discuss the how does national state enterprisecorporation effect automobile industry. ( This part you need to necessary read the journal from 345-356).
4.41 US
4.42 Japan
4.43 European
4.44 Korean, Indian and Chinese producers

4.5 Conclusion

PS: You have to read the journal I had sent to you, not only focus on the topic, you still need to focus on the following aspect:
1. Understanding of the question and the range and relevance of material included in the answer.
2. Evidence of research on the chosen industry, leading to the identification and analysis of key industry patterns and trends.
3. Evidence of engagement with the relevant academic literature, along with understanding and effective use of key academic concepts.
4. Overall coherence of answer (e.g. clarity and logic of structure, coherence and quality of writing) and persuasiveness of arguments.
5. Quality of presentation and use of correct citation and referencing conventions.

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