Posted: September 16th, 2017

Global Strategic Management

Select one global company that you are familiar. Using the company’s criteria of performance for that company you should be able to:
a) Explain how the company’s global strategy operates.
b) What are the nature and drivers of the company global strategies?
c) Identify and explain the challenges facing the global strategy in achieving higher performance levels.
d) Suggest how the company could overcome those challenges?
The assignment to be completed as a written report on a global company covering at least the period over the past 2 years. Students will individually develop a case study that explores the nature and drivers of global strategies for their chosen organisation or industry.
This assignment needs to have a global strategic management focus. It should include a clear description and critical analysis of the global strategies deployed by your chosen company or industry including an evaluation of how well these strategies have worked The relevant information may be collected from annual reports or other published articles such as those available from the library electronic database, as well as other media.

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