Posted: September 16th, 2017

Global Studio

The Global design project and paper assignment encourages you to bring the tools, methodologies, and approaches discussed in Global Issues to your design work.  Consider your primary design work for the semester.  If you are a fashion designer what is the focus of your collection, if you are a photographer what is your subject, a product designer – who is your user?  This assignment gives you the chance to deepen your studio work by exploring the global conditions that impact, frame, constrain, or inspire your work.  Building on the readings, lectures, and your original research, identify an aspect of your studio output that will benefit from a closer look at issues of globalization considered in our class.

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However, My design project is  an app and I relate it with issue of GLOBAL WARNING

My design project link:

Everyone in my School can attest that the elevators have been a point of contention for a reasonable time. The elevators are small and are so slow, and there are always lines of students to reach the elevator. They are a source of disappointment most of the time. As a result, I made an app for Students, faculties and staffs from the New School. This app can provides the direction for helping them get on class or work on time, and check the elevator status from different buildings. As you can see on this app, the quickest direction provided to the student is to use the stairs to the different floor then take the elevators from there.
This App not only saves students’ time, but also, it decreases the frequency of elevators usage and saves electricity. Therefore, the reason I chose it was that the app could help the global issue of “Global Warning”. As we know, a generation of electricity produces is the cause of the high level carbon dioxide emissions in the United States. Burning of fossil fuels like coal is the prime source of these harmful air emissions. Coal accounts for 57 percent of the total energy used to generate electricity (an approximately 86% of all coal used in the United States is used to generate electricity)”2. However, the message that I want to deliver with my design project is saving time, saving energy, and go green.
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Btw, I will upload my visual pdf of my design to you , please take a look.

page 1:  Thesis statement
Thesis statement is the step where you clarify your initial arguments and elaborate on them. Very briefly note the aspects of your project that you think are related to the readings, lectures and class discussions.(I will upload a reading about sustainability of our nature and GLOBAL WARMING to you from my class discussions) From a global lens, address questions to your projects. What global implications do your project have? How does global issues influence your work? In a page, come up with claims about intersection points of your design projects and this course (the reading). What is your argument? You are expected to explain and present your argument and elaborate on your argument. Overall, thesis statement is the step where you clarify your initial questions and arguments.

page 2: Descriptive Outline and Draft

page 3-8: Final Visualization and Final Paper

Final Paper Parameters:
1. The paper should be 5-7 pages in length, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font.
2. Use the Chicago style for citations and bibliography.
3. You need at least six sources. You must limit your use of Internet sources, and you must include:
a. At least one academic journal article;b. At least two books (one of your books must be an academic text, published by a university press);c. Primary sources (actual period documents and/or objects); andd. Secondary sources (writings about your topic by critics, historians, and theorists).

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