Posted: September 16th, 2017

Globalization Argumentive Paper

Globalization Argumentive Paper

Order Description

Review the Writing Argumentative Essays section in Ch. 3 of Critical Thinking

Write an argumentative paper of no more than 600 words that demonstrates why globalization is good or not good for a business. The paper should define the term good, and should identify the premises and conclusions.

Identify the premise and conclusion by placing a number in bold at the beginning of the sentence with the word premise or conclusion. For example: (1, Premise), (2, Premise), (1, Conclusion), (2, Conclusion), and so on.
Sentences labeled as “1, premise” are premises for the sentence labeled as “1, conclusion.”
All premises should be labeled for each conclusion in the article. If a sentence is a conclusion and a premise for another conclusion, place two labels.
At the end of the paper, identify one example of how you used deductive reasoning and one example of how you used inductive reasoning.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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