Posted: September 13th, 2017

Google Glass

Google Glass

Discussion Questions Sources: Cohen, E. (March 13, 2013).The eyes have it: Google Glass and the myth of
3-23- Identify the hardware, and 3.121121392537551″;missixzitizzz3:332:53:mi……………,,
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how will they add value to a customer’s life? USA/5°”e‘w20‘3/0325’G°°9’e’
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9009 e g assi, accessed March 24, 201 3.
Google GIOSS rather than bunldlng ihOSB ODDS ihemSBlVeS? Pachal, P. (March 22, 2013). Google Glass and the future of head-mounted displays. Mashable,
htth/mashable.caml201 3/03/21/google-glass-technologyl, accessed March 24, 201 3.
Rollin Out Its 46 Network, Sprint Nextel Competes with Rivals
print Nextel, AT&T, and Verizon play leapfrog as they may be involved, depending on the tower’s location. The company
S upgrade their networks with new technologies that offer may need approval from the California Coastal Commission for sites
faster speeds, more bandwidth, and better coverage for near the ocean, or from the California Department of Transportation.
mobile smartphones. While Sprint has about 56 million customers, Municipalities may also compete with one another for towers, since
AT&T and Verizon each have over loo mil/ion. they are a source of revenue, or they might insist they be constructed
Sprint initially invested heavily in WiMax, pinning its strategy on city-owned property.
to an early-fo-market advantage with the nation’s first 46 offering. Some community and homeowner associations may also protest
However, WiMax is slower than 46 services based on a different tower construction. Although Californians want 46, they may value
technology called “LTE'(iong-term evolution), and Sprint is phasing neighborhood aesthetics even more. The “NIMBY’ mentality (Not in
out its WiMax networks. it is also phasing out the Nextel network to My Back Yard) further delays rollouts. Sprint Nextel and other carriers
reduce costs. deal with this human element by hiding their equipment in church
To attract customers, Sprint Nextel must provide distinctive ser- steep/es or masking their appearance in other ways. Some are built
vices. For example, the company is working with radio broadcasters so to resemble trees (Figure 3-30). Sprint is widely known for its “green
that its smartphone users can receive local FM stations. Sprint would environmental initiatives, and the tree-shaped towers support those
be the first wireless carrier to offer this live FM radio to the handset, a corporate goals.
feature that many customers will find attractive. Some communities welcome the towers because of the revenue
Customers also want faster service, in more geographic areas. For they will earn. For example, a struggling school district in California
Sprint, that means installing the towers and equipment that will send began negotiating with cell phone companies to see which one would
and receive the wireless signals.As of20 I 3, its 46 LTE network lagged offer the best deal. Some citizens objected because ofpossible health
behind AT&T and Verizon, both in terms of speed and geographic cov- risks from radiation, but researchers point out that radiation from the
erage, so the company has some catching up to do. handsets is a much larger factor. In fact, handset radiation drops as
Before installing 4G antennas, the company has to identify the the number of towers increases because less power is needed to
sites that will provide the best coverage for the area. For cities with tail connect.
buildings, large bodies of water, many hills and valleys, and high foii- Despite all these technical and nontechnical hurdles, Sprint is
age, those choices are engineering brainteasers. In New York City, for making good progress and continues to expand coverage. Although
instance, the urban “canyons’create dead spots thatcause coverage the 4G LTE network may not be “real” 46, defined by the nonprofit
problems. Sprint Nextel needs thousands of sites to provide adequate international Telecommunications Union (lTU) as an all lP packet-
service. switched network with speeds in the I 68/3 range, smartphone users
Once sites are identified, Sprint must navigate a labyrinth of gov- eagerly anticipate more service in their cities. Step by step, Sprint is
ernment agencies, local building codes, citizens’ groups, and land- jumping through all the hoops to regain lost customers and compete
owners to obtain approvals. In San Francisco, multiple bureaucracies with rivals.
ed byJi Yeon Badc (christhe.bnc@grmilcom) on 28/2015 from 5046.200.5oauthorized to use untl 7/30201 5. Use beyond the authaized Lser or vaid subscription date

represents a
chyriglt violation.
Introduction to Managing Information Technology, First Custom Edition, by Wallace and Kroenke. Published by Pearson Learning Solutions. Copyright © 2015 by Pearson

Education. Inc.


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