Posted: September 16th, 2017

Governance Instructions: The areas to address this include governance structure, ethics, and financials.


Order Description

Instructions: The areas to address this include governance structure, ethics, and financials.

The president and board are not familiar with the different athletic governance structures within the NCAA, and are not convinced a move to Division II would be in the best interest of Krakus University. They have also expressed concerns based on recent negative news stories involving the NCAA and member institutions, especially those offering athletic scholarships. Additionally, they are concerned about the additional financial implications offering athletic scholarships could have for Krakus.

You have been asked to create a document that provides an analysis of the options for the institution complete with the option you feel is best. Some of the areas that must be covered are listed below.

1. Governance organization (NCAA)
a. Brief history
b. Current structure
c. Issues facing NCAA
i) Ethical
ii) Legal
(1) Gender, disabilities, race, etc.
d. How Krakus University benefits from affiliation
2. Risk analysis and matrix
a. Division III membership
b. Division II membership
3. Summary & conclusion
a. Recommendation
b. Proposed timeline for implementation of any recommendations

Your presentation should be submitted in an APA formatted Word document with title page. Remember, you will be handing this to the president and board of trustees for review.

Be sure to carefully proof your work, and follow APA format throughout. The last page of your presentation should be your reference page or list.

Length of Assignment: 4-5 pages (not including title page and references)

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