Posted: September 13th, 2017

Government Regulation of Patient Mobile Health Applications

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


Regulation of
Patient Mobile
Health Apps

I am for Government
Regulation of
Patient Mobile
Health Apps

There’s a lot of enthusiasm now for the ability to use design and consumer technology to help improve people’s health
at the ground level,” says Andrew Rosenthal of Massive Health, a mobile health app company in San Francisco. But
so far the field has been unregulated. It is hard to know which apps actually live up to their claims or provide accurate
information. Last year, the FDA began to lay down the law. The agency released a first draft of guidelines that require
developers making medical claims to apply for FDA approval, the same way new medical devices must be proven safe
and effective before they can be sold. But that can be time-consuming and expensive. Some app developers are
bristling at the thought of a rigid regulatory structure (Kaiser health News 2012)

This paper needs to reflect that I support this regulation.

I need 3 specific reasons why Government Regulation of Patient Mobile Health Application would benefit-
1. Patients/consumer
2. Physicians/Hospitals
3. Insurance companies

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