Posted: September 5th, 2013

group counseling

Paper instructions:
Assignments Group Leader Interview
Locate and arrange to interview an experienced professional group leader.
Write a summary of the interview in 250-500 words.
Ask at least four of the following questions:
1. What kind of license do you hold?
2. What educational level have you completed?
3. Where did you attend school?
4. What kind of training in group counseling did you receive?
5. Did you take any special classes for this work?
6. Where do you presently provide group counseling?
7. What kind of group counseling do you like best?
8. Can you describe some memorable group counseling experiences without violating HIPAA laws and client confidentiality?
9. How did you make the decision to focus on group counseling?
10. What do you think are the most effective counseling strategies today?

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