Posted: September 13th, 2017

Hamiltonshire Police;

Hamiltonshire Police;

Assignment Details


As explained in lectures and tutorials, governmental objectives and strategies in relation to law and order are reflected right down to grass roots level in the police service, ultimately impacting on policing communities. Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Constabulary (HMIs), many of whom are ex-Chief Police Officers themselves, conduct a series of annual inspections in each force.

One of their functions is to seek evidence that the force is being run efficiently and effectively in accordance with local and governmental objectives. Some inspections are thematic in nature in that they concentrate on a more narrow range of issues or themes.

Hamiltonshire Police are shortly to be inspected by one of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary.  A major theme of his inspection this year is to:

“Seek evidence of the forces’ commitment to the implementation of both the government’s 10 year drug strategy and Serious Crime Strategy, with particular reference to those areas upon which the police can make the greatest impact.”

In the role of Detective Inspector Alan McNeil of the Hamiltonshire Drug Squad, you will write a briefing paper/report for your Chief Constable to provide him with evidence that the force is committed to the strategies. He has instructed you to use the on-going drugs operation, code-named “Marsh”, as the main vehicle by which he will seek to satisfy the HMI.

The word limit is 3,500 words (+/-10%). This excludes footnotes, but includes quotations.  The word count must be printed on the top right hand corner of your work.

•    You must answer the question set
•    You must keep to the word limit of 3,500 words
•    You must demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes
•    As you construct and present your work, consider the assessment criteria

Presentation Instructions

It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is neatly and accurately presented.

The work must be:
•    Word-processed
•    Single sided
•    1.5 or double line spaced
•    Ariel 12 point font
•    Justified
•    Page numbered
•    On A4 paper
•    Margins left and right 3cm
•    Attached to a cover sheet.

Marks will be deducted for failure to follow these instructions.  Please look at the Student Guide to Assessment for more information


Any piece of written work must be referenced. That means citing the literature to say where you got that piece of information and to enable the reader to go to the original source. All citations and references must be in the format laid down in the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (see Blackboard web links and Useful information). If you do not do this you will unnecessarily lose marks.


The use of work produced for another purpose by you, working alone or with others, must be acknowledged.

Copying from the works of another person (including Internet sources) constitutes plagiarism, which is an offence within the University’s regulations. Brief quotations from the published or unpublished works of another person, suitably attributed, are acceptable. You must always use your own words except when using properly referenced quotations.

You are advised when taking notes from books or other sources to make notes in your own words, in a selective and critical way.


Your work must be submitted with:
•    a front cover sheet (detailing the module code and title, coursework title, module name and student name, word count, date submitted).

•    a fully completed School Assessment Cover Sheet.

The assignment should be submitted into the year two posting box (JBF203) before 4.00pm on the given submission date and electronically via Turnitin (a guide to submitting work via Turnitin can be found on Blackboard).

The deadline for submission is Wednesday, April 22 2015

The briefing paper/report is worth 66.6% of the total module assessment

Learning Outcomes

This assessment will test your ability to meet the learning outcomes as described in your module booklet, specifically:

1.    Apply criminal investigative procedures ethically to simulated criminal cases.
2.    Describe and discuss the roles of some of the agencies involved in criminal investigation
3.    Describe and compare the specialist techniques and roles of the staff that are available to the criminal investigator.
4.    Review the different categories and techniques of criminal investigations.

Assessment Criteria

Your answer should demonstrate research of and reference to authoritative sources and an understanding of relevant theory.

For more information please see the marking guide at Appendix 1

Finally – does your briefing/report cover all the points in the checklist below?

?    Have you completed and attached the Assessment Coversheet?
?    Do you directly answer all aspects of the question?
?    Is there an informative introduction?
?    Is the content accurate and relevant?
?      Do you cover all main points, and in sufficient depth?
?      Is the material logically arranged?
?      Is the essay the correct length?
?      Is it clearly written and easily readable?
?      Is each main point support by examples and/or argument?
?    Is there a clear distinction between your own ideas and those of the authors of your source material?
?    Have you commented on the source material?
?    Does your essay have a conclusion? Is it supported by evidence?
?    Have you acknowledged all sources and references?
?    Have you included a bibliography (including a case list and a statute list in date order?
?    Is your referencing compliant with OSCOLA?
?    Have you checked for errors in spelling and syntax?
?    Have you proof-read your essay?

Appendix 1
School of Forensic and Investigative Sciences
Assessment Criteria/Marking Proforma

General Criteria

In grading your work I will be assessing the extent to which it matches the criteria attached. The criteria are not of equal importance, but it is not possible to ascribe an exact weighting to each. What follows is intended as a general guide to the standards.

1. Severe weakness in understanding the issues/arguments/theory is likely to result in a mark of less than 40%.
2. Thorough coverage of the relevant material, with statements supported by data, evidence, literature or examples, is necessary to gain 52% or above.
3. Work which is disorganised with points randomly ordered is unlikely to gain more than 48%.
4. A logical, well-explained argument, combined with other good characteristics is usually necessary to obtain 75%.
5. Fluent grammatical expression is important for expressing ideas clearly. Errors in this area are likely to lead to a reduction in marks.
6. The following also offers guidance on content requirements, but please bear in mind that it is a generic guide, and not designed specifically for use in this assignment.

Academic Level 5                                           Student……………………………………………

Classification    Grade    Relevance    Knowledge    Analysis    Argument & Structure    Originality    Presentation
25%    20%    10%    20%    10%    15%
Outstanding    75 – 100%    Directly relevant to case.  Able to address the implications, assumptions and nuances of the case.

Relevance to practice is thoroughly and explicitly addressed.    Makes effective use of a comprehensive range of theory and practice knowledge.

Is able to manipulate and transfer some material to demonstrate a grasp of some of the themes, questions and issues in both theory and practice.    Adequate analysis of the material resulting in clear and logical conclusions.    Coherent and logically structured, making use of an appropriate mode of argument and/or theoretical model.

Contains some distinctive or independent thinking.
Beginning to formulate an independent position.    Well written with standard spelling and syntax.

Style is lucid utilising an appropriate and error free format and bibliographical apparatus.
Good    64-74%    Directly relevant to case.

Is able to demonstrate effective practice relevance.    Makes good use of ample knowledge of a fair range of relevant theoretical and practice related material.

Evidence of an appreciation of its significance is apparent.     Adequate analytical treatment, with occasional descriptive or narrative passages which lack clear analytical purpose.

Conclusions are clear.    Generally coherent and logically constructed.

Uses an appropriate mode of argument or theoretical model.    Sound work that expresses a personal position, often in broad terms.

Some attempt to challenge standard views and engage with alternative views.    Competently written with only minor lapses from standard syntax and spelling.

Style is readable with acceptable and generally error-free format and bibliographical apparatus.
Above Average    57-63%    Generally addresses the case, sometimes addresses irrelevant issues.

Relevance to practice effectively addressed, may be implicit in places.    Ample knowledge of a fair range of relevant theoretical and practice related material.

Intermittent evidence of an appreciation of its significance.    Intermittent evidence of sound analytical ability.

Some description and narrative but still able to draw clear and logical conclusions in the main.    Adequate attempt to construct a coherent argument, but may suffer loss of focus and consistency.

Issues at stake may lack clarity.    Generally sound work that expresses a personal position, often in broad terms and tends towards uncritical conformity to one or more standard views of the topic.

Generally competent writing.

Intermittent lapses from standard spelling and syntax.

Presentation is generally acceptable as is the format and bibliographical status.
Average    50-56%    Generally addresses the case, sometimes addresses irrelevant issues.

Demonstrates the ability to consider issues effectively, although does not always do so.

Relevance to practice is addressed, but may be implicit in places.    Adequate knowledge of a limited range of relevant theoretical and practice related material with intermittent evidence of an appreciation of its significance.    Some evidence of analytical ability.

Intermittent passages of descriptive or narrative material, which lacks clear analytical purpose.

Conclusions are not always clear and logical.    Reasonable to attempt to construct an argument is evident.

Occasionally lacks clarity and coherence.    Largely derivative.

Attempts to present a personal view, but only in broad terms.

Is largely uncritical and conforms to one or more standard views.    Generally competent writing although intermittent lapses from standard syntax and spelling and pose occasional obstacles for the reader.

Format and bibliography is generally error free and acceptable.
Below Average    41-49%    Some degree of irrelevance to the case.

Superficial consideration of the issues.

Relevance to practice tends towards superficiality and largely implicit.    Basic understanding of a limited range of relevant theoretical and practice related material.

Little appreciation of its significance    Largely descriptive or narrative in style with limited evidence of analytical capability.

Conclusions are not always clear or logical


Some attempt to construct an argument is evident but it lacks in sufficient clarity and coherence.

Issues at stake are only vaguely stated.      Almost wholly derivative.

No personal view is adequately formulated

Wholly uncritical and conforming to one or more standard views.    Style of presentation, syntax, spelling and format all pose obstacles for the reader.

Nevertheless, meaning is clear and bibliographical apparatus acceptable.
Bare Pass    40%    Some significant degree of irrelevance to the case is common.

Only the most obvious issues are addressed at a superficial level and in unchallenging terms.

Relevance to practice is superficially addressed and rarely made explicit.    A limited understanding of a narrow range of relevant theoretical and practice related material.

Little appreciation of its significance to practice.

Clearly lacks awareness of the significance of knowledge.    Heavy dependence on description and/or narrative.

Paraphrase is common.

Analysis is superficial and sparse.

Clear and logical conclusions are sparse    A basic argument is evident but tends to be supported by assertion and lacks proper development.

Coherence and clarity are evident only intermittently.    Almost wholly derivative.

The writer’s contribution rarely goes beyond simplifying paraphrase.

No evidence of personal thought.    Style of presentation makes reading difficult.

Deficiencies in spelling, syntax of format impact significantly upon clarity.

Bibliographical apparatus is acceptable.
Fail    0-39%    Relevance to the case is intermittent or missing.

The topic is reduced to its vaguest and least challenging terms.

Relevance to practice is barely considered or not at all.    Lack of basic knowledge in either or both theory and practice necessary for an understanding of the topic.    Inadequate and/or often inaccurate description and paraphrase.

Evidence of analysis is lacking.    Little evidence of coherent argument.

There is a lack of development and the work may be repetitive and/or thin.    No evidence of personal thought.

Cursory paraphrase or quotation of others.    Poorly written with numerous deficiencies in syntax, spelling, expression and presentation.

The writer may achieve clarity (if at all) only by using simplistic or repetitious style.

Bibliographical apparatus is unacceptable.

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