Posted: January 2nd, 2017

hat organizational tool would work best in this circumstance to manage conflict?

Question 33 Skip to question text. Li Koyoto, department manager for a division of Anima Productions, felt frustrated in his attempt to convince the district manager to adopt some of his ideas for improved reorganization. One idea was to arrange for employees from different functional departments to meet regularly and resolve mutual issues and problems. Also, he believed lower-level supervisors should be given more authority and responsibility. Another idea was to increase the span of control for department managers and make the district organization flatter. Finally, Li thought that decision-making authority in many areas should reside at the departmental level rather than being handled by the district manager. The district manager turned down all his suggestions. Consequently, Li thought about going around his district manager and talking directly with the manager’s boss. The idea that decision-making authority should be shifted from the district manager to the department manager level addresses what organizing concept? Span of management Centralization-decentralization Division of work Departmentalization Unity of command Question 34 Riley is a manager at the Tinker Tools. She is expected to make decisions that are in the organization’s best interests. Her decisions should be based on which of the following models? the administrative model of decision making the garbage can model of decision making the scientific management model of decision making the classical model of decision making the humanistic model of decision making Question 35 Skip to question text. As a top manager, Joanna works with others within her team every day in making important corporate decisions. Her preferred decision making approach is to generate as many alternatives to problems as possible in a short amount of time. This approach is referred to as: groupthink devil’s advocacy point-counterpoint escalating commitment brainstorming Question 36 When a fake film critic gave one of Sony’s movies a very bad review, Sony could either respond by ignoring it, apologizing, or letting the courts handle the issue. Sony let the courts tell it how the issue would be handled. This is an example of: planning decision making organizing controlling planning Question 37 Skip to question text. Left-Right Industries employs a diverse set of individuals with strong personalities. Unfortunately, this means that there is a great deal of interpersonal disagreement among employees. What organizational tool would work best in this circumstance to manage conflict? organizational development skunkwork telecommuting downsizing small-group innovation Question 38 Harvest International is anticipating changes in their production procedures. You have been assigned to identify potential barriers to the change and suggest solutions to these barriers. You would use: force field analysis barrier analysis negotiation assessment of goals all of these Question 39 Skip to question text. Li Koyoto, department manager for a division of Anima Productions, felt frustrated in his attempt to convince the district manager to adopt some of his ideas for improved reorganization. One idea was to arrange for employees from different functional departments to meet regularly and resolve mutual issues and problems. Also, he believed lower-level supervisors should be given more authority and responsibility. Another idea was to increase the span of control for department managers and make the district organization flatter. Finally, Li thought that decision-making authority in many areas should reside at the departmental level rather than being handled by the district manager. The district manager turned down all his suggestions. Consequently, Li thought about going around his district manager and talking directly with the manager’s boss. If Li talks to his district manager’s boss, he is most likely violating what organizational concept? Staff-line authority Scalar principle Chain of command Span of management Work specialization Question 40 Skip to question text. The Gulf Coast of the United States bristles with oil refineries that churn out a combined 2.5 billion barrels of gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel and other petroleum products each year. That’s ten percent of the world’s annual supply. But getting those resources to distribution centers around the country is a tricky logistics problem. A new website called Transport4 is a centralized order processing system that collects customer shipping requests though the Web and then translates that order information back to each pipeline company’s own internal system. Transport4 simplifies a process that can be as complex as the tangle of pipelines criss-crossing the country. Traditionally, scheduling petroleum shipments to various locations around the country required separate phone calls, faxes, or even snail mail requests to the different pipeline operators serving those regions. Even worse, each carrier had its own product code and scheduling protocol, which made the ordering process different for each company. Now, an oil company shipping to three regions can simply log on to Transport4’s password-protected website and place the orders using a new set of standardized company codes. The Transport4 system automatically routes the orders to the appropriate carriers, who then send scheduling information back to the Trnapsor4 Website. The whole process takes only minutes. By using Transport4, oil refineries are able to make shipping decisions under conditions of: certainty ambiguity uncertainty risk jeopardy

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