Posted: July 12th, 2013

Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom

English and Literature
1. What two religions are being written about, and what are the major differences between the two?
2. Have a Little Faith asks, “What if our beliefs were not what divided us, but what pulled us together?” How would you answer these questions?
a. which of the world’s problems could be healed if religion were a more unifying force?
b. which wrongs could be made right if religion were a more unifying force.
3. Do you find it easy or difficult to talk to others about religion? Are you comfortable discussing religion with someone with different beliefs?
Can be both depends on what area of the region talking about.
4. Do you think anyone can ever “win” a religious argument? What do you think lies at the core of disagreements about religion?
5. How would you answer the following?
a. if different faiths have different beliefs, how can they all be correct?
b. does one faith have the right or obligation to convert members of others?
c. Reb explains that “just as there are a variety of trees, multiple faiths all come from same “God” (page 160). What do you think about Reb’s explanation?
d. do you believe that civilized dialogue and debate about different beliefs can enrich one’s own faith?
6. How are the stories of Reb and Pastor Henry similar and different? Did you identify with one man over the other?
7. Were you uncomfortable with Henry’s troubled past, especially when he admits his violation of the Ten Commandments? What did you think about Mitch’s first reaction to him and was it fair? Do you think someone who turns so far away from God, even though truly repentant can really be a “Man of God?”
8. Have you questioned your faith? How did you approach it? Was there a lesson you you took away from it? CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS ESSAY!!!!
9. Consider what Reb says to Albom in the chapter “May: Ritual” (page 42) “faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just what you believe.” Do you agree with Reb’s statement?
10. At the end of the Chapter called “Chruch” (page 140) Albom describes the Hindu celebration of Kumbh Mela, a gathering that has been called the “world’s largest single act of faith.” In your own life, have you ever been part of something big wile doing something small? How did it make you feel?
11. After reading Have a Little Faith, were you inspired to learn more about religions other than your own? What are some things common among different religions?
12. If you had to write your own eulogy, what would you say about yourself? How would you most like to be remembered?  CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS ESSAY!!!!

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