Posted: September 13th, 2017

HCS 245

HCS 245
1.    Explain why as a nation we have changed our focus on heart disease over the years; including discussion on:
Preventative treatment changes (diet, exercise, etc)50 WORDS
The future focus on treatment (technology, genetic engineering, etc.)50 WORDS

2.    What role and how does culture influence the rate of cardiac disease?   How might knowledge of these differences assist in addressing risk factors?        Response should be referenced with course materials. 70 WORDS
3.    Causes of Hypertension, treatment and prevention? How is this can affect in health care system?70 WORDS
4.    What are the effects of smoking in healthcare system? And how can this be prevented?70 WORDS
5.    What is the positive effect of smoking ban in newyork?70 WORDS
6.    The American Heart Association (AHA) interactive Cardiovascular Library further clarifies this important system and the impact on our health.  What are your thoughts?70 WORDS

1.    Describe at least three different kinds of hospitals. How are they different from each other? What kinds of populations does each serve? READ ME FIRST
2.    Knowledge base in health care is constantly changing and physicians have to constantly update their knowledge through continuing education. Research continuing education opportunities for physicians. Give a brief summary of your findings. CHAPTER 5
3.    What are the reasons for there being so many new emerging types of health care workers? What are some services and provider types emerging from these roles? CHAPTER 6
4.    What can the United States’ health care system learn from health care systems in other countries? READ ME FIRST NEW POST NEED
5.    If you currently work in health care, what specifically can you do to nurture partnerships and collaboration among stakeholders? NEW POST NEED ON READ ME FIRST
6.    What roles, if any, should the federal government have in health care planning? Explain

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