Posted: September 13th, 2017

Head of HR, State Police Department

Head of HR, State Police Department

We have been thinking about using psychologi;cal testing for selecting entrants to the police force for many years, but never really followed it up.  Given your work,

can you tell me if there is current research on using psychological testing to ensure better quality selection in organizations like ours e.g. police forces, defence

forces etc.
If we were to use psychological testing would it make us more or less attractive to potential applicants?
Word length 2000-2500
Structure of  Assignment 1: Annotated bibliography
•       Introduction: A brief introduction to your assignment, describing the topic and how you have approached it. (approx. 100-150 words)
•    Bibliography: An annotated bibliography of approximately 150 words for each of the 9 peer reviewed academic research articles. (approx.1300 – 1500 words)

1.    Oliva, J. R., & Compton, M. T. (2010). What do police officers value in the classroom? A qualitative study of the classroom social environment in law

enforcement education. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 33(2), 321-338.
2.    Cochrane, R. E., Tett, R. P., & Vandecreek, L. (2003). Psychological Testing and the Selection of Police Officers A National Survey. Criminal Justice and

Behavior, 30(5), 511-537.
3.    Ho, T. (2001). The interrelationships of psychological testing, psychologists’ recommendations, and police departments’ recruitment decisions. Police

Quarterly, 4(3), 318-342.
4.    Lee, C. (2006). Psychological testing for recruit screening. TELEMASP Bulletin, 13(2), 1.
5.    LoBello, S. G., & Zachar, P. (2007). Psychological test sales and internet auctions: Ethical considerations for dealing with obsolete or unwanted test

materials. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38(1), 68.
6.    Miller, C. E., & Barrett, G. V. (2008). The coachability and fakability of personality-based selection tests used for police selection. Public Personnel

Management, 37(3), 339-351.
7.    Furnham, A., & Jackson, C. J. (2011). Practitioner reactions to work-related psychological tests. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 26(7), 549-565.
8.    Dantzker, M. L., & McCoy, J. H. (2006). Psychological screening of police recruits: A Texas perspective. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 21(1), 23-

9.    Carless, S. A. (2006). Applicant reactions to multiple selection procedures for the police force. Applied Psychology, 55(2), 145-167.
•    Analysis: An analysis of the overall bibliography comparing and contrasting the articles in terms of key themes, commonalities and differences in their

research approaches, and their contributions to practice and a synthesis of your findings. (approx. 800 – 1000 words)
•    Conclusions and recommendations: A concluding section that draws together your ideas from the  articles (based on your analysis and synthesis) and provides

clear and logical recommendations for practice that address the issue(s) raised in the initial HR problem (approx. 300 – 400 words)
Reference list ( APA or Harvard)
1.    Haarr, R. N. (2005). Factors affecting the decision of police recruits to “drop out” of police work. Police Quarterly, 8(4), 431-453.
2.    White, M. D., & Escobar, G. (2008). Making good cops in the twenty-first century: Emerging issues for the effective recruitment, selection and training of

police in the United States and abroad 1. International Review of Law Computers & Technology, 22(1-2), 119-134.
3.    Lough, J., & Von Treuer, K. (2013). A critical review of psychological instruments used in police officer selection. Policing: An International Journal of

Police Strategies & Management, 36(4), 737-751.
4.    Super, J. T. (2006). A survey of pre-employment psychological evaluation tests and procedures. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 21(2), 83-87.
5.    Arrigo, B. A., & Claussen, N. (2003). Police corruption and psychological testing: A strategy for preemployment screening. International Journal of Offender

Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 47(3), 272-290.
6.    Furnham, A. (2008). HR professionals’ beliefs about, and knowledge of, assessment techniques and psychometric tests. International Journal of Selection and

Assessment, 16(3), 300-305.
7.    Carless, S. A. (2009). Psychological testing for selection purposes: a guide to evidence-based practice for human resource professionals. The International

Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(12), 2517-2532.
8.    Cordner, G., & Cordner, A. (2011). Stuck on a Plateau? Obstacles to recruitment, selection, and retention of women police. Police Quarterly, 14(3), 207-226.
9.    Ryan, A. M., & Tippins, N. T. (2004). Attracting and selecting: What psychological research tells us. Human Resource Management, 43(4), 305-318.
10.    Dantzker, M. L. (2011). Psychological preemployment screening for police candidates: Seeking consistency if not standardization. Professional Psychology:

Research and Practice, 42(3), 276.
11.    Sanders, B. A. (2003). Maybe there’s no such thing as a “good cop”: Organizational challenges in selecting quality officers. Policing: An International Journal

of Police Strategies & Management, 26(2), 313-328.
12.    Klehe, U. C. (2004). Choosing how to choose: Institutional pressures affecting the adoption of personnel selection procedures. International Journal of

Selection and Assessment, 12(4), 327-342.
13.    Terpstra, J., & Schaap, D. (2013). Police culture, stress conditions and working styles. European journal of criminology, 10(1), 59-73.

Sample Annotation
The citation goes first and is followed by the annotation. Make sure that you follow the required citation style (APA or Harvard). The summary needs to be concise

(please note the following example is entirely fictitious).
In the sample annotation below, each element is numbered (see Key). These numbers are to aid your understanding and should not appear in your written assignment.
(1) Trevor, C.O., Lansford, B. and Black, J.W., 2004, ‘Employee turnover and job performance: monitoring the influences of salary growth and promotion’, Journal of

Armchair Psychology, vol 113, no.1, pp. 56-64.
(2.) In this article Trevor et al. review the influences of pay and job opportunities in respect to job performance, turnover rates and employee motivation. (3) The

authors use data gained through organisational surveys of blue-chip companies in Vancouver, Canada to try to identify the main causes of employee turnover and whether

it is linked to salary growth. (4) Their research focuses on assessing a range of pay structures such as pay for performance and organisational reward schemes. (5) The

article is useful to my research topic, as Trevor et al. suggest that there are numerous reasons for employee turnover and variances in employee motivation and

performance. (6) The main limitation of the article is that the survey sample was restricted to mid-level management, (7) thus the authors indicate that further, more

extensive, research needs to be undertaken to develop a more in-depth understanding of employee turnover and job performance. (8) This article will not form the basis

of my research; however it will be useful supplementary information for my research on pay structures.    Key
(1) Citation
(2) Introduction
(3) Aims & Research methods
(4) Scope
(5) Usefulness (to your research/ to a particular topic)
(6) Limitations
(7) Conclusions
(8) Reflection (explain how this work illuminates your topic or how it will fit in with your research)


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