Posted: January 14th, 2015



Read chapter 2 in the text and notice the triangle in Figure 2.1 on page 22. This contains the skeleton for what goes in a rationale. You’ll see a scanned image of this on the next slide.
You are obviously NOT presenting this to get funding for your project, but creating the rationale will help you to learn more about the topic you chose (childhood immunizations; physical activity for seniors; sexual violence among college students).

Discussion 1
Take a look at the web link to the CDC (found in the weekly folder) that shows the printable graphic “Truth about Tanning.”  Look at it from a health promotion campaign perspective.  What do you think of its approach?  Do you think it is successful?  Why or why not?  Provide specific comments about it, with thoughtful and meaningful statements.  Your comments about the graphic will be one post, your own question about the graphic or the chapter material will be another post, and your response to another person’s question is a third posts.  Keep two of the posts 12 hours apart.  Thanks!
Discussion 2
Upload here a WORD document that contains your rationale.  Remember, as mentioned in the PPT file in the weekly folder, you are taking one of the topics presented in the PPT and creating a rationale.  Follow the steps in your Chapter 2, starting with Step 2.  You should end up with a single page of material that is single spaced, with topic headings for Steps 2, 3 and 4.
Discussion 3
Vaccination is one of the most effect methods of communicable disease control. Having an effective vaccine for a disease is does not always guarantee success in the control of the diseases. What are some of the factors that contribute to the success or failure of a disease control program through vaccination?

Student Response

What do you think the CDC could have added to their approach on tanning to make it more successful? Who do you think this advertisement is geared more towards? Amanda Klein


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