Posted: September 13th, 2017

Health and Human Behavior And Community Service

Health and Human Behavior And Community Service

Order Description

Select a current public health intervention/ promotion effort or a personal project(fantasy or reality) of interest to you and elaborate on the associated social,

behavioral and cultural aspects. It is suggested to include the following:
-Identify the background and significance.
– Include epidemiology, demographics, statistics, etc.
-Identify strengths and weaknesses of the intervention and suggest possible and plausible improvements.
-Narrative describing either personal experience with the topic or something experienced through contact with other individuals or communities is encouraged.
– Include peer-reviewed references; need to include at least 2 references.
Paper Size: 3-4 pages. Done by an individual
– 12 size font, 1.5 spacing
– Standard margins
– References in APA format, references are not included in the page or slide requirement
-All topics need to be cleared 2 weeks prior to due date. Failure to clear topic will result in penalty
Suggestions for topics include: smoking, AIDS, obesity, abuse, heart disease, mental health, homelessness, stress, cultural challenges in healthcare, community

involvement, and health disparities. Other topics will also be considered upon approval.

Health and Human Behavior
Community Service

This Term Paper is for both classes of Health and Human Behavior & Community Service. Please choose a topic [(current public health intervention/ promotion effort or a

personal project( fantasy or reality) of interest to you and elaborate on the associated social, behavioral and cultural aspects. (Suggestions for topics include:

smoking, AIDS, obesity, abuse, heart disease, mental health, homelessness, stress, cultural challenges in healthcare, community involvement, and health disparities. )

PLEASE choose one topic FIRST and before starting to write the paper please contact me so I can confirm and approve the topic you chose to write about. Then you can

start to write the paper in that topic.  I have time so please do not rush through this. I want a premium quality paper.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Discuss the following in your paper in regards to topic you chose:

o    Elaborate on the associated social, behavioral and cultural aspects.
o    -Identify the background and significance.
o    Include epidemiology, demographics, statistics, etc.
o    -Identify strengths and weaknesses of the intervention and suggest possible and plausible improvements.
o    -Narrative describing either personal experience with the topic or something experienced through contact with other individuals or communities is encouraged.
–    Include peer-reviewed references; need to include at least 2 references.
Paper Size: 4 pages.        Done by an individual
–    12 size font, 1.5 spacing
–    Standard margins
– References in APA format, references are not included in the page or slide requirement


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