Posted: September 18th, 2017

health care nursing and personal philosophy of practice.

Assessment ONE: Written Assignment
This assessment task relates to the following:
Learning outcome 1: Explore theoretical concepts (including wellness) relevant to primary health care nursing including community mental health
Learning outcome 4: Relate health policy to primary health care nursing and personal philosophy of practice.
Learning outcome 5: Examine cultural and socio-political contexts of primary health.
Learning outcome 6: Present work at the appropriate academic standard.
Read the journal article (Cherrington, V. (2011). Ensuring a dignified and culturally safe death. Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 17, 4. 14-16) and then produce a piece of written work to demonstrate knowledge of the learning outcomes by:
 (LO1) Defining the concept of health literacy and describing some of the ways the nurse could have ensured that Kate’s daughter Peri understood the important information that she needed to have in order to care for her mother.
 (LO4) Explaining how the practice of the nurse in the article related to her personal philosophy of practice and identifying how the care provided to Kate reflected the principles of The Treaty of Waitangi
 (LO5) Discussing the reasons for providing culturally appropriate services for people, and describing how this was done by the nurse in the article.
 (LO6) Present work at the appropriate academic standard.

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