Posted: September 13th, 2017

Health Form


Using the Texas Southern University’s Student Health Form:

1. Convert the paper pages to web pages:
a. First develop a Conceptual Design, on paper, to be handed in with the completed laboratory assignment.
b. Second develop a low fidelity prototype, on paper, to be handed in with the completed laboratory assignment.
c. Third develop a high fidelity prototype, in HTML, to be zipped and emailed to the course instructor.
d. In the high fidelity HTML prototype:
i. Provide links among the pages
ii. Utilize appropriate widgets for web pages (textboxes, dropdown lists, selection boxes, etc)
e. Refer to the text, Chapter 17, and the PowerPoint presentation for pointers on developing the website.
2. This assignment may be completed in class, but if that cannot be accomplished, it should be done outside of class and emailed to the instructor before the next class.

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