Posted: September 16th, 2017

Health Information Technology Project

Health Information Technology Project

Order Description

Health Information Technology Project Assignment:
Your deliverable is a 12- to 15-page scholarly report, not counting the title page, abstract, and references. A successful report should leave the reader with confidence in understanding the answers to all the questions listed below. Graphics may be used to illustrate key points.

Organization Information (5 points)

• Briefly describe the health information technology system/application and the organization type (hospital, clinic, public health agency, software company, government health information website, private virtual health information site, etc.).
• Is the health information technology system/application clinical, administrative, educational, or research related?
• What were the key reasons for development of this health information technology system/application?
• Who manages this health information technology system/application and where are they located within the organization’s administrative structure?

Information System Application: Design (5 points)

• Many health systems have multiple independent entities that work together toward a common goal of providing health care. How did the various stakeholders work together to make decisions related to this health information technology system/application? Were the end users involved in the development of this health information technology system/application
• How was this health information system/application initially funded?
• Have organizational or political issues impacted the ongoing funding for this health information technology system/application?
• Who manages the budget for this health information technology system/application?

Information System Application: Implementation (5 points)

• How are security issues addressed; how does this health information technology system/application support a legally sound health care record?
• How are individuals trained to use the health information technology system/application?
• What are the plans for planned or unplanned downtime?
• How are health information technology system/application upgrades scheduled or planned?
• How has the health information technology system/application changed in response to health care reform and related legislation?
• What suggestions could you make regarding changes needed to support health care reform and related legislation?

Innovative Aspects of the System (5 points)
• How are technology innovations being used in the health information technology system/application?
• What technology innovations could you recommend for this organization?

End Product (5 points)

• The paper is 12- to 15-page report.
• The report leaves the reader with confidence in understanding the informatics system.
• Graphics are used to illustrate key points.
• The report is a scholarly paper and includes a minimum of 5 citations from peer-reviewed journals.
• Appropriate APA format is used.

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