Posted: September 13th, 2017

health issue( osteoporosis) affecting in elderly members of our community (Singapore & Austrailia Context)

health issue( osteoporosis) affecting in elderly members of our community (Singapore & Austrailia Context)

Order Description

Paper Requirements
-Identify a health issue affecting (or putting at risk) elderly members (old people) of your community (osteoporosis). Explain target group. Use literature to support choice. Briefly describe a health promotion intervention to target that issue – for example an information session, brochure etc. *(Prefer Singapore Context)*

Paper Layouts

-Clear and relevant with clear objectives – e.g. What does this paper hope to achieve, why and how?

Background, significance and planned project
•Describes how the project has been identified – community need – support by local statistics if available
•Describe target group
•Rationale and evidence for project – supported by literature
•Briefly explain planned project – e.g. what do you intend to do?

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