Posted: September 14th, 2017

health promotion among the rural populations

health promotion among the rural populations
Paper instructions:

part one: Write a comprehensive, holistic plan of health promotion and disease prevention addressing the needs of individuals in your chosen population (address demographic area, cultural characteristics, etcetera).

In your plan:

Identify and choose the appropriate tools, techniques, templates, and processes used in the design of a comprehensive, holistic plan of care for your chosen population.
Apply evidence-based practice concepts, techniques, and decision making for health promotion, disease prevention, and disease management for individuals in your chosen population.
Explain how you will monitor and evaluate the plan for quality improvement.
Explain how the plan would affect and be adapted in at least two (2) different health care delivery settings, such as acute care settings, ambulatory care settings, managed and integrated care settings, or other setting. 3 citations

part two
Prepare a 5–8 page multidisciplinary plan that incorporates the approach for strategic planning and resource allocation to promote population-based health care promotion and disease prevention and management. Include a step-by-step prospective timeline for implementation with measurable goals.

In your plan:

Describe the potential disciplines who will participate in health care promotion and disease prevention and management for the chosen population.
Describe the potential interrelationships and communication among different health care delivery settings for your chosen population. Include the involvement of patients, families, groups, nurses, interdepartmental health care teams, community-based stakeholders, and government (local, state, and federal).
Identify strategies to promoting health care and health care prevention to assure cultural competence.
Advocate for resources that may empower populations in attaining and maintaining health.
I will upload the original paper in which you will build on. Please only take on the assignment if you can handle it….Thank you

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