Posted: March 24th, 2015

Healthcare Law Discussion 3

Order Description
Discussion Board Topic #3: please respond to the following citing two external articles:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has helped millions of Americans gain access to affordable health insurance. However, from your perspective, what is the greatest weakness in the ACA?

Please limit to 300 words and use at least two articles to support your thesis.
Critical Thinking and Analysis
The writer demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the module readings. The initial posting is well-developed, accurately analyzes the article, and then synthesizes the article to identify common patterns or themes to substantiate one’s contentions or develop arguments to the authors’ contentions. There is depth to the topic discussion–that is, there is an analysis rather than a mere summary of the article.
Writing Style
Writing style and sentence structure makes reading clear and understandable. There are clear transitions both within and between paragraphs. There is one idea in a sentence and one full idea in a paragraph.
Sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation makes for easy reading of the postings. Language is formal and professional. Acronyms are spelled out the first Stays within the allowed 295-300 words.
Cites all references used in the postings. References are to be cited at the end of the posting. All sources are to be cited using APA format. There are no APA formatting errors. An e-link or PDF link must be provided to the additional article cited in the posting.

Required Textbooks:
Milstead, J.A. (Ed.). (2013). Health Policy and Politics: A Nurse’s Guide (4th Ed.). Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Pozgar, G.D. (2012). Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (11th Ed.). Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC: Author.

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