Posted: September 16th, 2017

HENRY DAVID THOREAU: Civil Disobedience

HENRY DAVID THOREAU: Civil Disobedience

Order Description

short essay should be no longer than 1 page (about 250 -300 words) each short essay should contain the following : 1- a statement of the thesis of the assigned reading in about 25 words or less . 2- a summery of about 100 words explaining the most important arguments in the assigned reading that support the thesis. 3- express your personal reactions in about 50 -100 words that discusses the truthfulness and clarity of the thesis and the important supporting arguments Write a shorts essay first should in few words talk about author then follow the instruction if the the short essay no plaigarzm plz at all edit the paper make sure no plagiarism all complete as its shown in the instruction add example plz from real life to support you argument

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