Posted: September 16th, 2017

historical development of the equations

Conduct a literature review and summarize the historical development of the equations used for the design of cfa piles in granular soils
(i) Conduct a review and summarize the historical development of the equations used for the design of cfa piles in granular soils. Describe the tests that may be used to obtain the geotechnical parameters to be used in the design equations and comment on any assumptions and or errors that may be present.
(ii) Assuming that a site investigation comprising of shallow hand dug pits and rotary drilled boreholes, is to be undertaken in the centre of Wolverhampton, detail the activities that the designer must be able to demonstrate that he/she has performed in order to comply with the latest Health & Safety legislation?
For part (i),a minimum of eight journal papers should be reviewed.
Coursework Component
Module Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
KU1: Able to apply, integrate and extend engineering principles in order to
understand the theory associated with key geotechnical processes and systems
LO2 Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
KU3: Knowledge of health, safety and environmental matters which are
specific to ground works
LO3 Underpinning Science and Mathematics
US5 : Apply mathematical methods, tools and notations proficiently in the analysis and design of geotechnical engineering systems
LO4 Engineering Analysis
EA5 : Evaluate information, data and practical constraints to derive and appraise potential solutions to specific engineering problems

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