Posted: September 16th, 2017

Historical Patient Data and Chart Abstraction

Historical Patient Data and Chart Abstraction

write short answer for each part in each chapter and number them.
Ch1: Meaningful Use. Things you need to answer:

1.What are the requirements?
2. Measures – Core & Menu
3. Who do they apply to?
4. What are the objectives of these requirements?

Ch2: Historic Patient Data and Chart Abstraction. Things you need to answer:

1. Methods for entering previous patient data into new EHR
2. Benefits and Drawbacks of each

[Video] How to Implement an EHR and HIE that Actually Improves Quality, Safety, Efficiency, and Service
Description: This presentation describes how one Ambulatory Clinic preloaded 15 years of clinical data into its EHR, interfaced it to 5 hospitals, a reference lab, a home health agency, pharmacies and payers, and turned on clinical decision support. The result is nation-leading HEDIS quality measures, Medicare total cost of care, as well as documented improvements in safety, efficiency, and satisfaction.
What you should learn from this presentation: You should have a better understanding of the impact that HIT can have on patient health as well as provider efficiency.  You should also have a basic understanding of how EHR systems allow data to be shared among different organizations.

[Video] The Business Case for Implementing a Patient-Centered Communication Strategy
Description: We live in an experience economy where people expect real time access to their health care team and health care information that is fits into their life. Practices that have implemented patient centered tools like secure patient portals, email access, mobile health, text messaging and patient centered engagement strategies have seen patient satisfaction improve, at the same time practice efficiency and financial results have improved. Those health care providers and practices that can provide these value-added services will not only retain existing clients but attract the most sophisticated new patients as well.
What you should learn from this presentation: The use of patient centered tools can be used to provide certain providers with a strategic advantage over their competitors.  Increased patient satisfaction and improved patient outcomes (such as a reduction in readmission rates) can significantly improve the healthcare organization’s bottom line.  Despite the best intentions of providers, healthcare organizations have to take financial considerations into account when choosing whether or not to implement a new technology.  If a hospital or clinic doesn’t make sound financial decisions, it will have to close its doors.

Topic: Meaningful Use

[Video] What is Meaningful Use?

[Video] The Four Buckets of Meaningful Use

[Video] Meaningful Use Stages 1 and 2 – Objectives & Measures

Description: A number of short videos from a few different EHR vendors that give a very basic introduction to Meaningful Use and incentive payments.

What you should learn from this presentation: From these videos, I want you to understand the financial incentives that providers are being offered to adopt EHR’s.

[Video] Meaningful Use Stage 2 The Rude Awakening in 2014, The Year of Change

Description: Most physician practices are not prepared for the October 2014 beginning attestation kick-off. In fact, they are not even close with only 13% claiming that their EHRs have the ability to support 14 of the 17 core stage 2 objectives. Although the “early adoption” incentives have been successful, driving adoption from 18% in 2001 to 78% in 2013, the challenges of “Use” are impacting all providers. This webinar will give you the information you need to know to prepare for 2014, “The Year Change”, when providers need to look at their EHR and patient engagement strategy with a discerning eye and an understanding of what lies ahead.
What you should learn from this presentation: As I’ve mentioned before, both the technologies and the legal requirements involved in Health IT change often and are very much in flux.  This presentation discusses many changes that will happen in 2014.  (Unfortunately, the audio quality of this recording is not very good.  Please do the best you can with it.)

[Audio] Information Exchange and Stage 2 Meaningful Use (Part I)

Description: Dr. Joe Heyman, founder, former President and current CMIO of the Whittier IPA, which owns and operates the Wellport Health Information Exchange, and Dan Paoletti, CEO of the Ohio Health Information Partnership (OHIP) and former VP of the Ohio Hospital Association, discuss how health information exchange can facilitate achievement of Meaningful Use Stage 2 requirements.  Part 1 of the conversation addresses requirements for HIE participation, Meaningful Use requirements, public health departments and clinical decision support.
What you should learn from this presentation: Of particular interest in this recording is the discussion of requirements for HIE participation and Meaningful Use (MU).  The MU requirements have changed over time making it difficult for some organizations to attest and receive their incentive payments.

[Website] Eligible Professional Meaningful Use Table of Contents Core and Menu Set Objectives Stage 1

[Website] Eligible Hospital and CAH Meaningful Use Table of Contents Core and Menu Set Objectives Stage 1

[Website] Stage 2 Eligible Professional (EP) Meaningful Use Core and Menu Measures

[Website] Stage 2 Eligible Hospital and Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Meaningful Use Core and Menu Objectives

[Website] Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison Table for Eligible Professionals

Topic: EHR and Other Clinical Information Systems

[Website] Large Collection of Healthcare Forms

[Article] Who should enter what info into your EHR?

[Article] Patient-Generated Health Data

[Article] Hospitals Are Mining Patients’ Credit Card Data to Predict Who Will Get Sick

Topic: Historical Patient Data and Chart Abstraction

[Article] Migrating from Paper to EHRs in Physician Practices

[Article] EHR Implementation: Managing those old paper records

[Article] Tips on Migrating Old Paper Records to Your EHR

[Article] Chart Abstraction: EHR Deployment Techniques

[Website] Outsource Your Chart Abstraction?

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