Posted: September 16th, 2017

Historiographical Review Essay

Question: How did sexual liberation movements in Australia in 1960s and 1970s impact on women’s or men’s experiences (heterosexual or gay/lesbian)? In what ways can the late 1960s and 1970s be described as an era of sexual permissiveness (freedom)?

(can touch on mens sexual experiences too, but mainly focus on heterosexual women)


The essay must be fully documented using footnoting and bibliographical conventions (OXFORD) as set out in the ‘Academic Referencing Module’ (ARM) and ‘Academic Referencing Tool’ (ART) available on LMS (Moodle) Links for these: and

You will be assessed on:

Inquiry/Research o The strength of your secondary research

 Critical thinking o Your ability to interpret and analyse secondary writing

 Creative problem-solving o the strength and coherence of your argument, supported by evidence

 Continuity and Change; Time and Context

 Ethical and Cultural Awareness


Historiographical Review: What is it? Historiographical means the study of how histories are written. In this review essay you need to identify, evaluate and analyse how other historians have written about the question/topic you are considering:

 What questions do they consider? What questions are ignored?

 What do they argue about the topic? What do they conclude?

 What do prior studies agree on? Where do they disagree?

 What major questions remain?

 What are the strengths, weaknesses and gaps of existing work? The aim of a historiographical (or literature) review is to:

 to better understand your topic

 to compare and contrast the various arguments related to your topic

 to fix your topic in a theoretical or conceptual framework

 to discover what research has already been done in that area.

A historiographical review essay involves:

 surveying the literature on your topic

 synthesising and critically analysing the information gathered,

 developing an argument to answer an essay question Intended Learning Outcomes

 To be able to conduct secondary research independently

 To be able to identify and assimilate secondary sources to frame a line of argument about an aspect of the past

 To be able to situate in time and context, analysing continuity and change

 Be able to identify and analyse the impact of difference — such as class, gender, sexual preference, ethnicity, age and geographical location — on the regulation or experience of sexuality.

Minimum of six SECONDARY RESOURCES. This is crucial

Some topics can be:

contraceptive pill – more accessible/banned

abortion – choice

marital rape and nonmarital rape

masturbation and how it revolutionised women’s sexuality

Referencing Style Guides:

 History uses FOOTNOTES, not endnotes or in-text citations.

 A bibliography is essential in addition to the footnotes. Bibliographies are to be presented on a separate page  Essays MUST BE double-spaced, with a five centimetre left margin and preferably printed single-sided.

 All essays must have a signed statement of academic authorship attached. Essays will not be marked if


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