Posted: June 20th, 2013

History and Political Science

History and Political Science
Cultural & Political Developments in the US
Throughout history, commercial and economic concerns have tremendously influenced the development of culture and politics in countries throughout the world. Analyze how cultural and political developments of the United States were similarly influenced by the economic and commercial concerns listed below:CLICK HERE TO GET MORE………
Since America’s independence, vast differences have existed from region to region. Consider how the historical antebellum developments of the more urban and commercial North and the more rural and agricultural South led to differences in the culture, political parties, and ethnic and racial perspectives of the two regions.
• How did historical regional differences affect the development of society in the United States?
• How did historical regional differences affect the development of political structures in the United States?
• What examples do you see in current times of how these events affected the U.S. development?CLICK HERE TO GET MORE………

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