Posted: September 16th, 2017

Homeless International

Homeless International

Outline Brief

The basis of this assignment is for you to undertake a critical review of key risks as identified by a case study organisation. Two initial case study organisations are provided from which to select which are:

?    Homeless International
?    University of Bradford

In respect of each example case study you are provided with a schedule of key, priority risks drawn from recent annual reports. Your detailed task is to:

1.    Outline and critically reflect upon the general processes and mechanisms for the identification and assessment of risk in determining organisational risk, most particularly in developing risk assessment criteria and then translating these into a risk map and risk register. Consideration must particularly be given to the theory and practice of determining risk probability and impact;
2.    In respect of your chosen case study, explain and evaluate the inclusion of  three of the organisation’s key risks giving consideration as to why the risk has been identified and how its overall risk probability and impact may be assessed;
3.    For each of the three chosen risk areas, outline appropriate risk management approaches (ie risk treatment/responses) that may be applied to reduce the overall potential risk to an acceptable level. Demonstrate your reasoning and argument for the proposed risk management approaches.

It is acceptable to propose an alternative organisation for the purpose of this assignment for approval by the module leader.

This assignment is worth 50% of the overall module assessment, and for this there is a maximum word count of 2,500 words. As a guideline, it is expected that the assignment may require between 2,000-2,500 words.

Assessment of Competence:
In assessing the submission attention will be paid to the following aspects:
•    Critical awareness of both theory and practice in the identification and assessment of risk in determining organisational risk [30%]
•    Evidence of an appreciation of the contextual setting(s) in which risk arises and a demonstration of how this interpreted, and the subsequent impact on risk assessment and evaluation [25%]
•    Application of appropriate and relevant risk management treatment to the identified risks [25%]
•    Clarity of explanation of technical and conceptual issues [10%]
•    Quality of overall presentation [10%]

Case Study 1: Homeless International

Key risk-management priorities identified in the Directors Report and Financial Statements to the year ended March 2011were as follows:

?    Funding risk – not having the resources available to support planned work.
?    Expenditure risk – that international partner organisations won’t use grants or financial services in the agreed way.
?    Implementation risk – that the work supported by providing grants or making financial services available will not achieve the planned results.
?    Financial risk – that international partner organisations might default on direct loans or loans secured with guarantees provided by Homeless International.
?    Health and safety risk – that visits to international partner organisations and their project sites may put Homeless International staff at risk.

Case Study 2: University of Bradford

Key risk-management priorities identified in the Operating and Financial Review Report to the year ended March were as follows included:

?    enhancing the student experience to meet greater expectations,
?    increasing financial uncertainty due to funding constraints,
?    responding to increased competition in respect of student recruitment and student retention,
?    developing research and knowledge transfer activity, and
?    managing change through the Human Resources strategy.

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