Posted: September 13th, 2017

Honda Consulting Report

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


2. Consulting Report (40%): The paper is 15-20 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 font size. Select a culture you are most interested in knowing about. Imagine that you are an intern for an emerging company, whether it is local, regional, national, or foreign, emerging or established. The company plans to conduct business in the culture you have chosen. The CEO of the company has asked you to write the Consulting Report on that culture in order to negotiate with the people of that culture, recruit local employees and motivate them as well as sell the company products to the local consumers. Use all the questions in the five categories spelt out in Chapters 3 & 4 of the textbook (pp. 93-172) to gather updated and accurate information about the culture and communication patterns of the people. Compare and contrast with the American culture and communication patterns. At least a total of five references (consisting of 3 popular ones & 2 scholarly ones) on both the cultures are required for this report. In order to write up the consulting report, besides archival research, you are expected to conduct some relevant field research

a. Introduction which consists of the significance, scope and purpose of the report (2%)

b. Research and Analysis which consists of description (profile of the company, that of the country/culture the company is entering or has entered), your field research notes and interview data which reveals about the company’s state of knowledge about and experience in global business communication, possible successes and failures in global business communication if any, company literature, and scholarly and popular literature related to your topic (7%)

c. Recommendations (with justification from relevant scholarly literature for each recommendation and a specific action plan) (7%)

Please be technical with grammar, spelling and structure of the consultin report assignment. Please focus on the company I have chosen Honda corporation Japanes Cars. Please use the instructions above to do the consulting report on Honda. 
Also please answer the following questions below through out the essay these questions will help guide you. 


Suggested Content Aspects of the Consulting Report for Companies which HAVE Entered into International or Global Business

COM 411: Communication in the Global Workplace

1. Brief introduction of the company (client) such as history and mission statement and organizational structure. 

2. Describe and interpret the organizational culture of the company.

3. Identify and define the corporate values of the company.

4. Evaluate the pros and cons of such an organizational culture in the global business 

5. Describe the global initiatives/dimensions of the company.

6. Identify and describe the existing or potential problems and challenges the company faces in her global efforts. 

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