Posted: September 13th, 2017

How did epidemics affect the relationship between whites and Native Americans in the PNW? OR How did religion affect the relationship between whites and Native Americans in the PNW?

How did epidemics affect the relationship between whites and Native Americans in the PNW? OR How did religion affect the relationship between whites and Native Americans in the PNW?

Read John Findlay’s Lessons 7, 8, and 9;
‘The Oregon Experience: The Road to Statehood’,
topic(choose one):
How did epidemics affect the relationship between whites and Native Americans in the PNW?
How did religion affect the relationship between whites and Native Americans in the PNW?

please answer in 500-750 words; use examples from the readings and/or videos;  use proper spelling and grammar;  at least 75% of the words in your answer must be your own, and the rest can be quoted directly from the assigned readings

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