Posted: September 16th, 2017

How Different Jobs in Health Care Settings Affect Quality and Safety

How Different Jobs in Health Care Settings Affect Quality and Safety

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How Different Jobs in Health Care Settings Affect Quality and Safety

To achieve meaningful and lasting improvement in the quality and safety of health care in any organization, the goals of the institution, individuals who work there, and relevant external entities, must be aligned and in sync. You have seen how many health care professionals can influence quality and safety. In this discussion, you reflect on what you have learned, and your own personal goals, to consider how you might contribute to advancing the cause of quality and safety in your own health care career.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review the interactive organizational chart and accompanying videos from this course. Also, review the Learning Resources concerned with health care roles. Reflect on knowledge and insights you have gained from previous courses.

• Go to one of the job sites listed below, or one of your own choosing. Select a job in a health care institution that appeals to you and is consistent with your career goals.




Post a brief description of the job you identified, and explain how you might influence quality and safety (directly or indirectly) if you had that job. Then, consider the ethical and social obligations you would have if you served in that capacity. Finally, describe how you (in the position you identified) would interact with one of the individuals depicted in the interactive organizational chart to improve patient safety and quality of care.
Health system sets “zero errors” as its goal for patient safety, quality. (2010). Healthcare Benchmarks & Quality Improvement, 17(4), 37–41. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
Health system sets ‘zero errors’ as its goal for patient safety, quality. Healthcare Benchmarks & Quality Improvement, 17(4) by Healthcare Benchmarks & Quality Improvement (author not cited). Copyright 2010 by the AHC MEDIA LLC. Reprinted by permission of AHC MEDIA LLC via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Mello, M., Studdert, D., Kachalia, A., & Brennan, T. (2006). “Health Courts” and accountability for patient safety. The Milbank Quarterly, 84(3), 459–492. Retrieved from
“Health Courts” and Accountability for Patient Safety, by Mello, M. et al., in The Milbank Quarterly, 84(3). Copyright 2006 by Blackwell Publishing. Reprinted by permission of Blackwell Publishing via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Video: Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). Apologizing effectively to patients and families [Online video]. Retrieved from

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