Posted: September 13th, 2017

how does online marketing influence consumer’s buying behavior

how does online marketing influence consumer’s buying behavior

Order Description

Write a research proposal, based on your identified research problem statement (4500 +
10% words). The proposal should include:
1. An introduction, which contextualises the identified research problem statement.
2. The aim of the research, research question or hypothesis/es and research objectives.
3. A literature review that identifies, develops and provides the theoretical and
conceptual underpinning for the research.
4. An explanation and justification for the epistemological and methodological
framework of the research; this should highlight the qualitative and/or quantitative
methods that will be used to sample participants and collect and analyse the data. The
methodology section should further identify any potential limitations of the research
and outline key timelines for completion and submission of the dissertation.
In carrying out the above tasks, students must conduct appropriate research and utilise
relevant concepts, models, theories and practical examples to underpin and support their

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