Posted: September 13th, 2017

How successful is Silko in Storyteller at bridging the gap between these customs in her bid to introduce Native practices to a Western or Westernized audience?

How successful is Silko in Storyteller at bridging the gap between these customs in her bid to introduce Native practices to a Western or Westernized audience?

Order Description

Topic: Silko insists that oral storytelling is vital to understanding self, community, and nature within Native traditions; however, as a writer she also acknowledges

an accession to the Western privileging of text over speech. How successful is she in Storyteller at bridging the gap between these customs in her bid to introduce

Native practices to a Western or Westernized audience?

Required textbook: Leslie Marmon Silko, Storyteller

Essays must make use of and refer explicitly in the text to a MINIMUM of two (2) scholarly sources (in addition to any and all primary texts), offering proper

documentation in MLA format.

Topic: Silko insists that oral storytelling is vital to understanding self, community, and nature within Native traditions; however, as a writer she also acknowledges

an accession to the Western privileging of text over speech. How successful is she in
Storyteller at bridging the gap between these customs in her bid to introduce Native practices to a Western or Westernized audience?

Required textbook: Leslie Marmon Silko, Storyteller

Write a critically evaluative paper (5-7 double-spaced pages with proper margins and font size, e.g., Times Roman 12)
Essays must make use of and refer explicitly in the text to a MINIMUM of two (2) scholarly sources (in addition to any and all primary texts), offering proper

documentation in MLA format.

The paper will be graded on its ability to establish a claim, to support that claim using evidence from the works themselves and the secondary research relating to

those works, to present the claim in an academically and stylistically sound manner, and to offer information in a technically accurate way.


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