Posted: September 14th, 2017

How the principle concepts and theories of community development are linked to empowerment

Paper Details:
Write an essay on one of the following topics:
a) Criticize the principle concepts and theories of community development. In your response, make reference to empowerment and the concept of change within Australia and two international Indigenous communities.
b) To what extend are the principle concepts and theories of community development linked to empowerment? In your response, make reference to the concept of change and Indigenous community development in Australia and two international


Your essay must
contain an introduction, main body, a conclusion, a Reference
List (not a Bibliography) and in-text acknowledgements of your references.
The essay divisions (introduction, body and conclusion) are not to be
sign-posted by way of sub-headings throughout your argument. It
should be evident to your reader where the introduction, body and conclusion start and finish.


You MUST use the AGPS Reference Style. Style sheet uploaded.
All references are to be no older than 10 years. Most important of all, is the quality and use of
sources in your argument. Select them wisely!
Avoid over-generalisations about Indigenous Australians that often have
dehumanising effects. Aboriginalism refers to the practice of stereotyping, making statements about Indigenous Australians and of speaking on their behalf.
Statements such as “The Indigenous people think . . . “, or “The Aboriginal people  and their culture was eliminated by colonialism”, are to be avoided.
Please also take care with terminology. In sum do not use such terms as “the
Aboriginals”, “aborigines”, and “ATSI” which may cause offence. Use the terms bywhich Indigenous people self-identify. Also remember to apply proper noun use when referring to Australia’s First Peoples for instance Indigenous Australians, Torres Strait Islanders, Koori’s and Anaiwan. In regard to non-Indigenous Australians this label is to be applied to those people who are not Australia’s First People. At the time of colonisation, the European settlers represented this group.


In general, do not write from a personal point of view. Detach yourself from the topic and try to write objectively. However, if personal experience is pertinent and a good exemplar of the point that you are trying to make, it can be included, as long as you back up your arguments with academic citations.
8. Your argument needs to be logical and clearly written. It is very important to edit and proof read your assignment before submitting it.


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