Posted: September 12th, 2015

How the status of relic collections was challenged

: How did the circulation and collection of Christian relics reveal shifts in the political and religious power structures of the medieval and early modern world?

Who were the most avid collectors of relics and what motivated this practice?

How was the status of relic collections challenged during the Protestant Reformation?

Be sure to support your argument by discussing specific collectors and artifacts. 
Mention specific collections

Draw upon the assigned readings from (Kemp, Hahn, Klein, & Nagel) to formulate a response. Be sure to articulate a thesis and support your argument using evidence from the reading. 
No outside research is necessary for this assignment but please cite texts in properly formatted footnotes or end notes (see: Chicago Manual of Style). 
Your response should be roughly 1200-1400 words, equivalent to 4-5 pages, double-spaced, with 12-point font.

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