Posted: December 1st, 2014

How the telescope changes in new world discovery;

How the telescope changes in new world discovery;

What is the most significant contributions to astronomy?  What role did they play in the landscape of astronomy during their time?   What particular themes and issues

emerge as interesting ideas you’d like to pursue?

The significance contribution of each telescopic revolution in human history.

1. Before telescope was invited, how people saw the objects far away – by naked eyes
2. There were many events in the telescopic revolutions; each event has its own contribution for astronomy observation. Each revolution played an important role, which

was offering a new concept for next revolution.
–      Hans Lippershey, who was a glass storeowner in Holland, invited the first telescope occasionally. This was a huge step for human. The significant contribution

was not only help human to see the object, which existed far way; but also figured out a way to build tools to discover objects farther and father, especially in

–      Galileo invited the first astronomy telescope. He used his telescope to discover many astronomy phenomena, but his observation was not clearly. The contribution

of Galileo’s invention offered a concept of astronomy telescope.
–      Kepler also studied the astronomy telescope. There were some differences between his and Galileo’s. But he did not build the telescope. However, Saina built 8

telescopes to obervate the sun by using Kepler’s rule. And Saina used this telescope to prove the Sunspot existed, not created by dust. The contribution of this

telescope was this telescope had the protection glass to protect the eyes when watching the sun; and Galileo did not have the protection.
–      Newton built the first reflection telescope.
–      James Gregory made a new reflection telescope, which made a significant change beyond the Newton’s
–      And other scientists who was made a huge change in telescope around the world.
3. Telescope changes not only in optical, but also in electronic wave. This change was more than optical revolution in human history.
4. Conclusion of the telescopic revolution contribution for astronomy and what this revolution gives for human.




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