Posted: September 13th, 2017

How to build a content strategy that works

How to build a content strategy that works

Order Description

This is the things what my teacher want to:
Read the topic documents for the week each topic paper is due. Write a 3-5 page overview with the following sections:
Introduction-Overview of article
Relationship to book topics-This must be specific to topics in book
Personal response to topic-Your position on the article’s topic
Conclusion-Sum up the topic and any comparisons or contrasts
References-Must be APA and include a minimum of 5 references (the book, the article and 3 external references).

On the dates indicated in the Course Schedule you will prepare the topic paper assignment and submit it as an email attachment using the class Blackboard/WebCT website. Your attachment MUST be a Word document and the file name MUST end in either .doc or .docx.

NOTE: This is NOT a research paper. It is about you keeping up with business subject matter, giving some thought to their implications, and relating the course material to real world events. The information contained in the each article relates to one or many subjects presented in the book and lecture materials.

Do not submit a paper without proofreading and spell checking it first!!! Required format is 12 pt, double spaced, Times New Roman font. Your paper must include a heading with your name, the course title and section number, along with the date of submission.

Things to think about while reading and preparing the topic paper response:

1)What happened? Identify the issue or event from the required article and provide details about what happened, when it happened, who or what companies were involved, and any other information you feel is pertinent.

2)Who’s impacted? Who (or what) might be impacted by this issue or event? What implications might it have for company employees, consumers, investors, and other interested parties (stakeholders)? Are there competitive issues implied by this issue or event?

3)How do you feel about it? Do you have any personal feelings about this issue or event? Might it affect you? Describe any ethical, social or moral issues surrounding this event that concern or interest you.

4)Course relevance. What topics covered or scheduled to be covered in this class are pertinent to this event?

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