Posted: September 13th, 2017

How to reuse the existing vacant buildings to adapt the urban fabric in Rotterdam?

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements




The Literature and Artefact Review incorporates all three course objectives by (a) demonstrating an understanding of alternative research methods and their practical applications (b) demonstrating the skills and knowledge needed to initiate and carry out small research projects in art, craft and design and (c) demonstrating an understanding of the relationship between visual culture and research, from the position of the individual, emerging arts practitioner. 


Please submit the Literature and Artefact Review in a text based format with the appropriate and relevant illustrations in clear reproduction. 
Please save your submission as a word doc. or docx. file, or as a pdf.

Marking criteria: 
The purpose of a literature and artefact review is to show the ‘gap’ in knowledge/ research and literature that exists and explain how your topic will fill that gap
Clarity and relevance (of concepts and themes to topic)
Presentation and referencing (clear structure, sequencing, grammar and style)
Argument and thematic coherence
Critical engagement with texts and artefacts, so as to: 
(a) Reveal a critical engagement with the texts and artefacts referred to by comparing differing points of view; 
(b) Bring similar viewpoints together and critique them according to your own topic (i.e. do NOT deal with one reference or example one after the other separately)

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